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词汇 Andromeda
释义 An·drom·e·da 英ænˈdrɒmɪdə美ænˈdrɑmɪdəAHDăn-drŏmʹĭ-də 高Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

broad-leaved evergreen Asiatic shrub with glossy leaves and drooping clusters of white flowersany of several shrubs of the genus Andromeda having leathery leaves and clusters of small flowersGreek mythology an Ethiopian princess and daughter of Cassiopeia; she was fastened to a rock and exposed to a sea monster that was sent by Poseidon, but she was rescued by Perseus and became his wifea constellation in the northern hemisphere between Cassiopeia and Pegasus; contains the Andromeda galaxy在古希腊神话中,安德罗墨达Andromeda是埃塞俄比亚国王刻甫斯 Cepheus与王后卡西奥佩娅Cassiopeia之女,长得美丽非凡。王后因此不断炫耀女儿的美丽,甚至口出狂言,说女儿的美貌超过了海神波 塞冬之妻安菲特里忒。安菲特里忒大怒,央求波塞冬为她报仇。于是波塞冬派来巨大海怪刻托Ceto前来蹂躏埃塞俄比亚。国王前往神殿请求神谕,神谕说只有把安德罗墨达献给海怪才能消灾。国王无奈,只得把公主捆绑在海边供奉给海怪。 此时,大英雄玻耳修斯正好路过此地,见此情景自告奋勇愿意杀死海怪。国王夫妇十分高兴,答应事成之后将公主许配给他。于是玻耳修斯骑着飞马,力战海怪,将 其杀死,救下了公主。在婚礼上,曾经追求公主不成的国王之弟率人企图劫走公主,被玻耳修斯用蛇发女妖美杜萨的首级化为石头。安德罗墨达与珀耳修斯结婚后, 为他生下七子二女,其中珀耳塞斯是波斯的建国者。
Andromeda:æn'drɒmɪdə n.仙女座,安德罗墨达andromeda galaxy仙女座星系;仙女座星…
近义词 Pieris japonica马醉木Japanese andromeda马醉木

用作名词Our Galaxy is thought to look much likeAndromeda.一般认为我们银河系外表与仙女座有些相似。
It was in the outer area of the great nebula calledAndromeda.它位于一个称为仙女座的巨大星云的外围。 His first great discovery was made when he recognized a Cepheid variable star. It was in the outer area of the great nebula called Andromeda.
他识别出造父变星,做出了第一个重大发现,在仙女座星云的外围区域。 kekenet

Signs of young stars can also be seen in the centersof Andromeda's smaller companion galaxies, M32 and M110.
幼恒星的痕迹在仙女座旁边较小的两个同伴 M32和 M110中心也能看到。

The nearest major spiral galaxy to the Milky Way, Andromeda, named after its constellation and also known as M31, is the largest galaxy in the Local Group of Galaxies.
仙女星系是距银河最近的巨型旋涡星系,它以其所在星座仙女座命名,同时又被称为 M31,它是本星系群中最大成员。 yeeyan

They showed that the Andromeda nebula lay far outside our Milky Way Galaxy.
测量表明,仙女座星云远在我们的银河系之外。 jukuu

Visible in the distant background sky is the band of our Milky Way Galaxy, the Pleiades open clusters of stars, and the Andromeda galaxy.
在遥远的背景天空中的是我们银河系的光带、昴星团,以及仙女座星云。 yeeyan

“The black holes in both Andromeda and the Milky Way are incredibly feeble,” Zhiyuan Li said.
仙女座星系和银河星系的黑洞都微弱的难以置信。 yeeyan

Between May and July of last year, Swift took330 ultraviolet images of our closest spiral neighbor, the galaxy M31 in the constellation Andromeda.
去年五月到七月间,雨燕卫星共为距离我们最近的星系——来自仙女座的螺旋星系 M31,拍摄了330张紫外线图像。 yeeyan

Due to their humility, the Andromeda Council intervened, stepped in and helped relocate them to a completely different star system.

In fact, the nearby large spiral Andromeda Galaxy is known to be some2 million light-years away and approaching the Milky Way.
实际上,我们已经知道我们附近的仙女座大型螺旋星系大约距离有200万光年之遥,并且正在靠近银河系。 yeeyan

In the first study, the erratic, unpredictable behavior of the supermassive black hole within the Andromeda galaxy puzzled researchers studying it.
在第一项研究中,仙女座星系内特大质量黑洞的这种不稳定的,变幻莫测的表现让所有科研人员感到困惑。 yeeyan

Many banks have become too complex to be managed properly, says Glenn Woodcock, a director at Andromeda Capital Management and a former head of credit- risk infrastructure at RBS.
很多银行结构太过冗杂,难以管理—— Andromeda资产管理主管,前苏格兰皇家银行信贷风险基础设施长官 Glenn Woodcock说道。 ecocn

Now it seems the answer could be connected to a starry disc at the heart of the Andromeda galaxy.
现在,这个疑问的答案可能可以与仙女座星系中央满布星星的盘片联系起来。 yeeyan

Pisces is a constellation south of Andromeda.
双鱼座位于仙女座的南边。 kekenet

Telescopes detect emitted light, and the light that reaches us from the closest galaxy, Andromeda, for instance, has taken two million years to reach us.
举个例子,望远镜检测到由离我们最近的仙女座星系所发出的光,而这些光要到达地球得花费两百万年。 yeeyan

That should give enough time to figure out a plan for the inevitable Andromeda galaxy collision in4.
这样就会有足够的时间想出计划来迎接不可避免的仙女座星系在45亿年后的撞击。 yeeyan

The“ rose galaxy, ” or Arp273, is more than300 million light- years away from Earth, in the Andromeda constellation.
图中的“玫瑰”,即 Arp273位于仙女座星系,离地球有3亿光年。 yeeyan

The several distinct stars that surround Andromeda's image are actually stars in our Galaxy that are well in front of the background object.
环绕仙女座图象的几个清晰恒星实际上是我们的银河系恒星,位于背景对象的前面。 tjzl

The Andromeda galaxy burns like a blazing whirlpool in the most detailed infrared picture yet of our nearest full- size galactic neighbor, released Wednesday.
仙女座星云------银河中距离地球最近的星云------在大多数精细的远红外线照片中犹如一个燃烧的漩涡,发表于星期三。 yeeyan

The Andromeda Galaxy in all its glory.
壮丽的仙女星系。 yeeyan

With its infrared eye, Herschel has revealed at least five distinct rings of relatively cool dust, places where stars can form inside Andromeda.
借助远红外线的帮助,天王星望远镜揭示了至少5个由相对凉爽的尘埃和明星在仙女座形成位置构成的明显光环。 yeeyan

Andromeda is the nearest major galaxy to our own Milky Way Galaxy.
仙女座是距离我们的银河系最近的一个星系。 tjzl

Andromeda will be even more impressive in4.5bn years’ time, when it is expected to collide with our own galaxy, the Milky Way.
预计44亿年后,仙女座星系将与银河系相撞,到时候仙女座星系会更加壮观。 yeeyan




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