

单词 hitching
释义 hitch·ing 英'hɪtʃɪŋ美'hɪtʃɪŋ COCA⁴⁰⁹⁹¹BNC⁴⁰⁵³¹Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺

动词 hitch:
to hook or entanglewalk impeded by some physical limitation or injuryjump vertically, with legs stiff and back archedtravel by getting free rides from motoristsconnect to a vehicle: hitch the trailer to the carvertical hitching悬挂装置的垂直调节…hitching post系留柱
A bar across the rear of a tractor forhitchingmachinery.联接杆拖拉机后部牵引机械的横梁 Each of these points needs to be considered when hitching an open source project to a corporate bandwagon.
在承担公司的开放源码项目时,需要考虑上述要点。 ibm

In other words, creatures like barnacles and anemones are hitching rides from the shore to the middle of the ocean.
换句话说,像藤壶、海葵这类动物都可搭乘垃圾漂浮物这台“顺风车”从近海出发抵达远海。 hxen

The disease spread like wild fire hitching a ride with those who traveled the great roads of empire. It is said a quarter of the population died.
疾病如野火,依附在帝国大路的行旅身上传遍各地,据说死亡人口为总人口的四分之一。 shnosbbs

“ OK, I'll just carry on hitching, ” I said, secretly relieved.
“好吧,我就搭车。”我说道,同时暗中松了一口气。 yeeyan

“ Why don't you stay down town and go to the theatre with me?” he said, hitching his chair closer. The table was not very wide.
“你留在市中心和我一起去看戏,好吗?”他说着,把他的椅子挪近了一些,那桌子本来就不大。 xddhy

After a cup of tea and a chat he went on his way while I wandered across the forecourt scanning for a possible spot to start hitching.
在喝茶聊天后他继续赶他的路了,而我在前院来回逛寻找搭车的地方。 yeeyan

An alternative approach is not to imitate nature, but to harness it—by hitching a ride with a bacterium.
另一个选择不是模仿自然,而是利用它-用细菌来搭便车。 yeeyan

I have reservations about hitching down to L. A. with Bob next week.
我暂时不决定是否下礼拜和鲍伯一起搭便车到洛杉矶。 iciba

I was spending the summer working in a village in mid- Wales and, without my own car, hitching was the only option.
我那个夏天正在威尔士中部的一个村子工作,没有自己的车,所以搭车是我唯一的选择。 yeeyan

I used to put the men who gave me a lift into two categories; there were the protective fatherly types who warned me against hitching, and leering chancers who made dirty jokes.
我过去把载我的人分成两类,警告我不要搭车的好好父亲,还有讲荤段子挑逗我的机会主义者。 yeeyan

I was hitching a ride to arrive at a mountain peak by dawn.
我搭的是顺风车,要在黎明前到达山区一座高峰。 yeeyan

In 2003 it became only the third country to put a human into orbit atop a rocket it had developed itself, instead of hitching rides on American or Russian spacecraft.
2003年,中国成为了第三个用自主研发的火箭而非搭乘美国或俄国的太空船把人类送上空间轨道的国家。 ecocn

Intel is hitching its mobile ambitions to a scaled-down version of its PC chips called Atom.
英特尔正通过叫做 Atom的缩小版个人电脑芯片努力实现它的移动市场宏图大业。 yeeyan

It was an overcast afternoon and I was hitching just outside Gloucester.
那是一个下午,天阴沉沉的,我在格洛斯特外正要搭车。 yeeyan

Oil bulls are hitching their wagon to data.
看涨石油者将希望寄托在数据上。 ebigear

Received your E mail this morning thanking Mr. Hitching Wang for something he's done for you.
今晨接到一封你寄给王志成先生的致谢函。 wsbookshow

So, in2008, the Bus Station was deserted, in Cosmic Terms, and nobody was hitching a ride!
所以,在2008年,巴士站被遗弃了,以宇宙的术语说就是,没有人曾要求免费搭乘! blog.sina.com.cn

Take time to dream, it is hitching your wagon to a star.
随时做梦,可以让你的志向远达天际。 iciba

The rat won after hitching a ride on the head of the ox and jumping over the finishing line ahead of him.
牛答应了老鼠的乞求,驮着它参赛,而老鼠却在接近终点时从牛的头上跳过了终线,超过牛得了第一。 yeeyan

These columns are simply hitching a ride along the INSERT operation and are accessible to the SELECT above.
这些列只是通过 INSERT操作搭载的,并且上面的 SELECT可以访问这些列。 ibm

They kept their life hitching for a long time.




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