

单词 histamine
释义 his·ta·mine 英ˈhɪstəˌmiːn, -mɪn美ˈhɪstəˌmin, -mɪnAHDhĭsʹtə-mēn', -mĭn 高COCA⁵⁵²⁷⁴BNC¹⁹⁵⁴¹iWeb²⁰⁷⁹³
amine formed from histidine that stimulates gastric secretions and dilates blood vessels; released by the human immune system during allergic reactionshist-,竖直,组织,amine,胺。用于化学名称组胺。histamine phosphate磷酸组织胺…histamine wheal test组胺风块试验…maximal histamine response最大组织胺反应…histamine antagonist组织受拮抗剂…histamine liberator组胺释放剂histamine hydrochloride盐酸组胺histamine sensitizing factor组胺致敏因子…augmented histamine test加量组织胺试验,增加…

用作名词Histamine causes vasoconstriction and increased permeability of small venules.组织胺能引起血管收缩,并增强小静脉的透性。
Prevent the channel from working and that would stop the release ofhistamine.如果能够阻止这个通道的活动就能阻止组胺的释放。 In a common itch like a mosquito bite, cells in the skin release a chemical called histamine.
普通的痒比如蚊子的叮咬,皮肤细胞释放一种叫组胺的化学物质。 yeeyan

Green tea contains quercetin and some Vitamin C, both of which help block the histamine response that causes allergic symptoms.
绿茶含有槲皮素以及维生素 C,都能够抑制诱发过敏症状的组胺反应。 yeeyan

Objective To evaluate the histamine- releasing activity in the serum of the patients with chronic idiopathic urticariaCIU.
目的检测慢性特发性荨麻疹患者血中组胺释放活性。 iciba

Objective To review the research on histamine H4 receptor ligands.
目的:阐述组胺 H4受体配体的研究进展。 dictall

Once my body understands that these new things are not actually invaders, it won't release the histamine response.
一旦身体知道到这些新东西并不是入侵者,就不会产生组胺反应了。 yeeyan

So, mangosteen could be one of the possible remedies for allergic rhinitis, because it blocks histamine production, but what about inflammation?
这样一来,山竹果可以作为治疗过敏性鼻炎的一种方法了。因为它可以抑制组织胺的产生,那炎症的问题怎么办呢? yeeyan

Some people react to natural substances like the histamine in foods such as cheese, some wines and certain fish, particularly tuna and mackerel.
一些人对某些天然物质有特殊反应,如食物中的组织胺,包括芝士,特定的酒和鱼,特别是金枪鱼和鲭鱼。 kekenet

The antioxidant helps to block histamine.
抗氧化剂有利于阻止组织胺酵素起作用。 yeeyan

The researchers experimented with primates, by applying histamine to the skin on the feet, then studying what happened when they scratched the itchy skin.
研究人员尝试用灵长类动物作实验,将组胺放在脚的皮肤上,然后研究当皮肤发痒时发生了什么。 en400

They injected histamine into the monkeys' lower legs to produce an itch, and the STT neurons fired up.
他们在动物的小腿上注射了产生瘙痒感的组胺,然后 STT神经就被激发了。 yeeyan

Your immune system spots pathogens in your lungs and releases histamine.
你的免疫系统发现你的肺部有病原体后释放组胺。 blog.sina.com.cn

Histamine cause blood vessel near the bite to enlarge.
组胺引起被咬部位周围血管扩张。 ibaodi

Histamine causes vasoconstriction and increased permeability of small venules.
组织胺能引起血管收缩,并增强小静脉的透性。 dictall

Histamine reactions were produced by the presence of germs.
组胺反应是病菌引起的。 blog.sina.com.cn

Histamine was considered the primary mediator of inflammatory vascular responses.
人们考虑组织胺为血管炎症性反应的主要介质。 kuenglish




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