

单词 Hirohito
释义 Hi·ro·hi·to 英ˌhɪərəʊˈhiːtəʊ美ˌhɪroˈhitoAHDhîr'ō-hēʹtō 高Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

emperor of Japan who renounced his divinity and became a constitutional monarch after Japan surrendered at the end of World War II 1901-1989
用作名词Hirohitoimmediately began to step up pressure on the main military facilities.裕仁便马上开始加紧向主战军人施压力。
Hirohitospecifically asked whether the Guards are willing to help him surrender negotiations.裕仁特地问近卫是否愿意帮助他谈判投降。 On December25,1926, Hirohito became Emperor of Japan.
1926年12月25日,裕仁成为日本天皇。 yeeyan

The Constitution of Great Japanese Empire has bestowed Hirohito absolute power.
《大日本帝国宪法》赋予了裕仁皇权的绝对性。 cnki

The late Emperor Hirohito broke with that tradition by renouncing his divine status in1945, after Japan's defeat in World War II.
日本第二次世界大战战败后,现已过世的裕仁天皇打破传统,于一九四五年宣布放弃神格。 taipeitimes

The chiefs had presented to Hirohito the plan for the coming counteroffensive at Okinawa.
大臣们向天皇汇报了即将到来的冲绳防御战的作战计划。 yingkong

The comments are likely to raise new questions about Hirohito's responsibility for Japan's involvement in World War Two.
日记内容很可能会对昭和天皇对日本捲入二战所负的责任提出新的问题。 ept-cn.com

The exalted Emperor Hirohito himself was said to have eliminated seafood from his diet.
据说连裕仁天皇本人亦将海鲜从他的食谱中删掉了。 yeeyan

And, like Hirohito until Japan’s surrender, Kim Jong Il, like his father before him, was not heard speaking by his people in public broadcasts.
而且,就像日本人直到裕仁宣读投降诏书才听到天皇的声音一样,朝鲜人在广播中无法听到金氏父子的公开讲话。 ecocn

But the political consensus for spending on a sufficient scale never materialized; we needed Hitler and Hirohito instead.
但人们从在花钱的规模上达成共识,也许我们需要希特勒和裕仁来代替决策。 yeeyan

Japan’s emperor Hirohito tragically vacillated over the war.
日本天皇裕仁对战争的优柔寡断是悲剧性的。 yeeyan

Mr Hatoyama does not call for the imperial family to break the so-called chrysanthemum taboo by admitting guilt on behalf of the wartime emperor, Hirohito.
鸠山并未呼吁日本皇室通过代表战时天皇裕仁承认战争罪行,以此打破所谓的皇室禁忌; newcswy14.blog.sohu.com

November10,1928, Michinomiya Hirohito is crowned the 124th Emperor of Japan.
1928年的11月10日,裕仁登基成为日本的第124任天皇。 ebigear

Then Hirohito was depicted as the heart of a pure nation, which was ready to die for him because emperor and people were one.
那时,裕仁被描绘成一个纯种民族的核心,国民随时准备为他而献身,因为天皇等身于大和民族。 ecocn

There is a precedent for this weirdly hermaphroditic parent figure: Emperor Hirohito in fascist, imperial Japan.
这种怪诞的雌雄同体,集父母于一身式的人物先前倒是有一个:法西斯大日本帝国的裕仁天皇。 ecocn

Traditional figures offered words of solace: Crown Prince Hirohito88 years ago; his son, Emperor Akihito, in 2011.
传统人士为以安抚人们说:虽然皇太子裕仁的时代过去88年了;但他的儿子,明仁天皇,2011年还这里。 yeeyan

Hirohito came to the throne after the5- year Regent period, which cultivated his conscious of power and the understanding of politics.
裕仁在即位之前经历了5年的摄政期,培养了对大权的自觉以及对政治的理解。 fabiao




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