释义 |
Hirohisa 基本例句 广久¹⁰⁰ “Technologically, it hasn't reached that level,” saidHirohisaHirukawa, one of the robot's developers.研发人员比留川博久说:“从技术上来讲,还没达到那么高的水平。 Finance MinisterHirohisaFujii said earlier this week, the government will not JAL loans or other forms of financial guarantee.财务大臣藤井裕久本周稍早表示,政府将不会对日航的贷款或其它形式的融资提供担保。 Above winners will be rewarded 2 seats of MESC 2010 any TWI public training and the medal will be awarded by JITA Administrative Director Mr. ogihara and JITA senior Trainer Mr.EndoHirohisa.以上奖项将各获得卓制公司2010年TWI任意场次公开课席位2个,并由社团法人日本产业训练协会常务理事兼事务局长荻原先生及协会资深讲师远藤博久先生亲自颁发奖牌。 FujiiHirohisa藤井裕久,日本人,参议员。 KitanoHirohisa北野弘久,日本人,法学教授。 UenoHirohisa上野裕久,日本人,教育学教授。 |