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Andrei Sakharov 基本英英近义反义例句 安德烈·德米特里耶维奇·萨哈罗夫
Noun: Soviet physicist and dissident; helped develop the first Russian hydrogen bomb; advocated nuclear disarmament and campaigned for human rights 1921-1989近义词 Sakharov萨哈罗夫 The annual award takes its name fromAndrei Sakharov, a well-known Soviet-era human rights activist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate.这个年度人权奖是以苏联时代着名的人权活动人士、诺贝尔和平奖获得者萨哈罗夫命名的。 Andrei Sakharov, the late Soviet physicist and dissident, suggested as early as1984 that the complicated geometries of hidden dimensions might produce a spectrum for vacuum energy that includes values in the experimental window.已故的苏维埃物理学家及异议份子沙卡诺夫,早在1984年便建议:隐密维度的复杂几何,可能产生真空能量谱,并包括实验可观测範围内的数值。 |