

单词 hints
释义 hint·s 英hɪnt美hɪnt 高ICOCA¹³⁶⁶⁹BNC¹⁰⁴⁴¹Economist⁴¹⁹⁹
vt. & vi. 暗示,示意

suggest or mention indirectly


a statement or action that gives a small or indirect suggestion


a small sign or small amount


useful advice

an indirect suggestion;

not a breath of scandal ever touched her

a slight indicationa slight but appreciable amount;

this dish could use a touch of garlic

a just detectable amount;

he speaks French with a trace of an accent

an indication of potential opportunity;

he got a tip on the stock market

a good lead for a job

drop a hint; intimate by a hint
hint, intimate, suggest


hint和intimate指用间接、含蓄的语言“暗示”, intimate更为坦白; suggest可指直接“建议”,也可指暗中流露。例如:

He hinted his dissatisfaction with her work.他暗示了对她工作的不满。
She hinted that it was time we left.她暗示我们该走了。
He intimated that he intended to marry her.他暗示要娶她。
The dean intimated his approval of the plan.系主任表明同意这一计划。1604年进入英语,直接源自古英语的hentan,意为抓住
用作动词 v.
~+副词hint barely〔openly〕公开地暗示hint bashfully忸怩地暗示hint broadly〔vaguely〕隐约地暗示hint curiously好奇地暗示hint gently悄悄地暗示hint obliquely转弯抹角地暗示hint obscurely模糊地暗示hint privately隐蔽地暗示hint significantly意味深长地暗示hint suggestively启发地暗示hint unintelligibly无知地暗示hint wickedly邪恶地暗示~+介词hint about〔at〕暗示hint at resignation暗示辞职hint of暗示出hint to sb向某人暗示用作名词 n.动词+~convey〔furnish〕 a hint给人暗示drop〔give〕 sb a hint暗示一下某人take a hint接受暗示,领悟形容词+~broad〔obvious〕 hint明显的暗示delicate〔gentle〕 hint微妙〔温和〕的暗示the merest hint最起码的暗示介词+~at a hint一见…的迹象with a hint of suspicion带几分怀疑地with the hint of有…的暗示~+介词a hint about关于…的提示a hint about the answer关于答案的提示a hint as to关于…的暗示a hint at …的暗示a hint at one's anxiety暗示别人自己很着急hints for travelers旅行者须知a hint from sb某人的暗示a hint of …的迹象,一点点…a hint of suspicion有点怀疑hints on cooking烹调经验点滴
hint at〔about〕 v.+prep.

暗示某事 suggest or mention indirectly to (sth)

hint at〔about〕 sth/v-ingWhat on earth are you hinting at?你到底在暗示什么?
I hinted at his imprudence.我曾暗示他的不谨慎。
Again and again she hinted about the intention of her visit to me.她反复向我暗示她来访的意图。
He hinted at the impossibility of winding up the work in two months.他暗示要在两个月内结束这项工作是不可能的。
He hinted at having won a great deal of money.他暗示已经赢了很多钱。近义词 bitnotionsuggestion反义词 declareannounce
S+~+ n./pron.He hinted nothing of his intentions.他没有暗示他的用意。
He hinted his dissatisfaction with her work.他暗示了对她工作的不满。S+~+that-clauseI hinted that she should go.我暗示她必须去。
He hinted that things were not going well.他暗示事情正在变糟。
She hinted that it was time we left.她暗示我们该走了。
They hinted that they had lost a great deal of money.他们暗示丢了一大笔钱。S+~+to pron./n.+n. /that-clauseHe hinted to me nothing of his intentions.他一点也没有向我暗示他的意图。
They hinted to us that they would take our suggestion.他们向我们暗示说,他们将采纳我们的建议。
Why don't you hint to the director that it's time you had a rise in pay?你为何不暗示厂长现在你该提薪了?用作名词n.He gave me a hint that I was being cheated.他暗示我在受人欺骗。
There's a subtle hint of garlic in the sauce.调味汁里稍微有一点蒜味。
This list of hints help the new students a lot.这一系列的建议对新生帮助很大。

hint的基本意思是用间接方式表达思想,即“暗示”,可指暗中地或间接地建议,也可指缺少直率、坦白或直截了当地建议。用作不及物动词时,其后常接介词at, about或of; 用作及物动词时,可以名词或代词作宾语,也可接that从句。


用作名词There were subtlehintsin his letter.他的信中有些微妙的暗示。
Ihintedat his imprudence,his folly,but he did not take myhint.我暗示他的轻率,他的愚蠢,但他没有觉察我的暗示。
He did not drop anyhint, nor did his secretary.他没有作任何暗示,他的秘书也没有。用作动词The possibility of an early election has beenhintedat.已经有迹象表明可能提前进行选举。
They alwayshintaround that way.她们总是喜欢绕圈子。
Your eyeshintthat there's something you're afraid of.你的眼神示意你在担心某件事。
Such exampleshintat the fragility of a globalised world.这些例证也示意了一个全球化世界有多脆弱。noun.indication;suggestion
同义词 advice,announcement,clue,evidence,idea,implication,impression,information,inkling,intimation,mention,notion,reference,reminder,scent,sign,suspicion,symptom,taste,tinge,tip,trace,warning,whiff,whisper,wink,wrinkleadumbration,allusion,communication,connotation,denotation,glimmering,help,inference,innuendo,insinuation,iota,lead,notice,observation,omen,pointer,print,signification,smattering,telltale,tip-off,tokenflea in ear,word to wise
反义词 lot,heedlessness,neglectverb.suggest;indicate
同义词 mention,broach,inform,imply,remind,advisesignify,prefigure,point,whisper,fish,prompt,angle,acquaint,connote,leak,make,apprise,cue,insinuate,solicit,spring,infer,intimate,expose,impart,adumbrate,foreshadow,press,shadow,coax,recall,drop,winkbring upallude to,touch on,refer togive an inkling,jog memory,let it be known,let out of bag,put flea in ear,say in passing,tip off,tip one's hand
反义词 leave alone,stop,halt,refuse,withhold,hide,conceal,prevent The article will cover the motivation behind the new technology and the performance improvements it provides, as well as hints and tips on tuning this new option.
下一篇文章会涉及到这种新技术背后的动机、它提供的性能改进以及关于调优这个新选项的提示和技巧。 ibm




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