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词汇 Himmler
释义 Himm·ler 英ˈhɪmlə美ˈhɪmlɚAHDhĭmʹlər 高Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
希姆莱①姓氏 ②Heinrich,1900-1945,德国纳粹党秘密警察头子

German Nazi who was chief of the SS and the Gestapo and who oversaw the genocide of six million Jews 1900-1945近义词 Heinrich Himmler海因利希·希姆…
Himmlerwas made police chief in Munich.希姆莱成为了慕尼黑的警察局长。
Himmlerhas been very gracious about the stalled dam.希姆勒对那道窝工的坝表现出非常通情达理的态度。
Goebbels looked anxious,Himmleras calm and enigmatic as usual.戈培尔看起来很焦急,希姆莱仍然象平常一样平静和难以捉摸。
Himmlernow turned to the auxiliary Schuma police units.希姆莱转而利用舒马辅助单位。
In reality it was under the direct control ofHimmlerin Berlin.而是事实上它由在柏林的希姆莱直接控制。
There was a small core ofHimmlercronies in the Waffen-SS panzer divisions.希姆莱的亲信中也有一小部分在武装党卫队装甲师。 Heinrich Himmler was the chief architect of that nightmare, He shared Hitler's obsession with an Aryan master race, Together they manufactured the genocide of the Final Solution.
希姆莱就是那梦魇的主要设计者,他与希特勒共同分享一个优秀的雅利安民族,他们共同创造大结局,种族灭绝。 shnosbbs




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