

单词 hijackings
释义 hijackings ˈhaɪˌdʒækɪŋz COCA⁴⁴²⁵⁵BNC⁷¹⁷²³
法劫持;绑架原型hijacking的复数 Mabanta said the military's Light Reaction Company had been trained by US Special Forces to handle different kinds of crises, including hijackings and hostage situations.
马班塔说,军方的快速反应连接受过美国特种部队的训练来处理不同类型的危机,包括劫机和劫持人质。 yeeyan

A tanker owners' group has urged governments to do more to combat piracy in the Indian Ocean, saying hijackings could disrupt global oil supplies.
一个油轮所有者组织呼吁各国政府打击印度洋海域的海盗行为,称海盗行为会影响全球石油供应。 noforget

But depicting the surge of maritime hijackings as a raging fire, she said you“ have to try to put out the fire before rebuilding the house.”
不过,她把这些猖狂的海上劫持行径比作熊熊大火,她说你“得先努力灭火,然后再重建房屋”。 ebigear

Countries have joined together in the face of a sharp increase in hijackings that have cost millions of pounds in ransom and inflated shipping insurance costs.
海盗劫持事件的激增已经耗费了数百万英镑的赎金还造成航运保险成本的飞涨。面对这种情况各个国家同仇敌忾。 yeeyan

EU ships are patrolling the shipping lanes near Somalia in an effort to reduce pirate hijackings.
欧盟军舰在索马里附近的航线巡逻以期减少海盗劫持。 www.59edu.com

Everything occurred in such a short period of time that, other than alerting a handful of people that there were some hijackings, no one had any idea why.
一切都在如此之短的时间里发生,除了发出信号说这里有一伙人在劫持飞机外,没有人能想到为什么。 blog.sina.com.cn

I am not going to tell you how much it was, or three other hijackings I have been involved in since.
我不想告诉你赎金是多少钱,也不想告诉你我参与的其他三次劫持行动的具体赎金。 blog.sina.com.cn

Most hijackings, however, do end peacefully although it can be a lengthy process.
然而,大部分劫持事件都能以和平的方式解决,尽管过程比较漫长。 show.24en.com

NATO ships began anti- piracy operations off the Somali coast in late October, but they have failed to stop the hijackings.
北约舰船在去年10月份就在索马里水域开始了打击海盗的行动,但他们并没有遏制住海盗的劫掠行为。 ebigear

Pirates are currently holding several ships in the Gulf of Aden area, following a sharp increase in such hijackings last year.
海盗目前在亚丁湾还劫持着几艘船只,这种船只劫持事件去年明显上升。 iciba

Relative to Norway’s population, the two attacks taken together are of a similar magnitude to the September11th hijackings in the United States.
相对于挪威的人口,两次袭击的规模合起来相当于美国的9月11日劫机事件。 ecocn

Somalia pirates have set up a“ stock exchange” in their main lair to fund their hijackings offshore, Reuters reported.
据路透社报道,索马里海盗日前在其老巢成立了一个“股票交易所”,为他们的海上打劫活动募集资金。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The IMB report, released Monday, also said Somali pirates were responsible for35 of the39 hijackings during that same period.
星期一公布的国际海事局的报告还表示,索马里海盗还对同期发生的39起劫持船只事件中的35起负责。 www.voa365.com

The U.S. Navy and the navies of dozens of other countries are patrolling the narrow waterway to deter ship hijackings-for- ransom by pirate gangs.
美国海军和几十个其他国家的海军都在这狭窄的航道上巡逻,以防止海盗劫持船只索取赎金的行动。 kekenet

Yet the number of recorded hijackings rose from32 in 2008 to42 in 2009.
然而劫持的记录从2008年的32起上升到2009年的42起。 ecocn

Hijackings off the coast of Somalia accounted for a third of global piracy incidents this year, reports the International Maritime Board.
国际海事会称,索马里海岸附近的海盗劫船事件占今年全球海盗事件的三分之一。 ebigear




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