

单词 high-voltage
释义 high-voltage 英'haɪv'əʊltɪdʒ美'haɪv'əʊltɪdʒ COCA⁴⁰⁵⁰⁶BNC⁶⁹³³³iWeb²⁷¹³⁷Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

operating on or powered by a high voltage;

a high-voltage generator

vigorously energetic or forceful;

a high-octane sales manager

a high-octane marketing plan

high-powered executives

a high-voltage theatrical entrepreneur

high voltage fuse高压熔断器high-voltage field高压场extra-high voltage超高压电high voltage rectifier高电压整流high voltage lamp高压灯high voltage substation高压变电所high voltage power高压电源high-voltage relay高压继电器ultra high voltage超高压high voltage converter高压变流机high voltage〈电〉高电压…high-voltage connection高压接线high voltage state高压态rated high voltage额定高压ultra-high voltage超高压high voltage discharge高压放电high voltage cable高低压电缆,高[…high-voltage radiography高压射线摄影术…extra high voltage超高压,超高电压…
近义词 high-power高功率high-energy高能的high-octane强烈的high-powered马力大的high-potential高电位
And wind turbines are being built faster here than the national grid can erect high-voltage power lines to carry the electricity to cities elsewhere.
这里风电场的建设速度比国家电网架起高压电线的速度要快的多,高压电线把电送到其他地方的城市中。 yeeyan

Take sulphur hexafluoride, a greenhouse gas used—among other things—as an insulator in some sorts of high-voltage equipment.
六氟化硫是一种温室气体,它与其他物质一道作为某些高压设备的绝缘体。 ecocn.org

A vast network of new high-voltage transmission lines is needed, we're told, to bring renewable energy to market.
听说,为了将可再生能源推入市场,我们需要新建一个高压输电网络。 yeeyan

Electrospinning works by connecting a needle-like spinneret to a high-voltage power source and releasing a charged liquid from it towards an earthed collector plate.
电纺的工作方式是将一根针状喷丝头连上高压电源并从中对一个接地的收集器释放出一股带电液体。 ecocn

It is also used as a semiconductor in high-voltage applications.
它也被当作半导体用在高压电器中。 yeeyan

Liu once had arms. At the age of10 he accidentally grabbed a high-voltage wire and lost his arms.
刘伟曾经是有手臂的,在他十岁的时候,一次意外事故中触摸到了高压电缆,失去了双臂。 kekenet

Next to a dummy is a suitcase. Anyone who tries to appropriate it will be dealt a high-voltage shock.
仿制品的边上是一只手提箱,任何想要打开它的人都会受到高压电击。 hjenglish

The first to emit the rest of the rainbow were ion lasers, made by passing a high-voltage discharge through argon or krypton.
第一次实现七彩激光的是离子激光器,它通过在氩或氪中的高压放电产生激光。 yeeyan

The ignition system provides high-voltage electric sparks that ignite, or set fire to, the charges of air- fuel mixture in the engine combustion chambers.
点火系统提供高压电气火花点燃,或给发动机燃烧室内的空气燃料混合物的电荷点火。 blog.sina.com.cn

The paper presented the theory of sine-wave and square-wave modulated high-voltage amplifier and deduced the formula for calculating its efficiency.
介绍了基于正弦波和方波调制的高压放大器的不同工作原理,并对其出力系数进行了推导。 cnki

The paper presents a new type of high-voltage pulse cable.
本文介绍了一种新型的高压脉冲电缆。 cnki

The electrical power grid is particularly vulnerable to these extra currents, which can infiltrate high-voltage transmission lines, causing transformers to overheat and possibly burn out.
相对于这些电流而言,电网极其脆弱。这些电流混入高压传输线引起变压器过热且可能烧毁。 yeeyan

The grid today remains secure even when a single device, such as a high-voltage transmission line, fails.

The mission’s high- speed, IMAX- quality photography will improve predictions of solar activity that can disrupt everything from GPS satellites to high-voltage power lines.
此项任务的高速 IMAX品质摄像机可以增进对太阳活动的预测能力,预警可能对 GPS卫星及高压线路造成的破坏。 yeeyan

They have helped raise the number of high-voltage lines in use from20 to34.
他们帮助提高了高压电线的使用数量,从20个提高到34个。 ecocn

Transmission losses will be less than7 percent, significantly less than the losses from conventional500- kilovoltkV high-voltage direct current HVDC transmission schemes.
电力的传输损失将少于7%,远远低于传统500千伏高压直流 HVDC传输计划的损失量。 iciba

Von Jouanne cautions kids not to do as she did: “ there is a high-voltage component.”
Von Jouanne警告小孩子不要学她的样:“因为里面有高压部件。” yeeyan

You know, bridges, roads, high-voltage power lines, ports and airports, an upgraded Internet.
你知道,这包括桥梁,公路,高压电网,港口,飞机场以及互联网扩容等。 yeeyan




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