

单词 high-ticket
释义 high-tick·et 英ˈhaɪˈtɪkɪt美ˈhaɪˈtɪkɪtAHDhīʹtĭkʹĭt COCA¹⁰⁴⁹⁹²BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹

very expensive;

big-ticket items like cars and furs

a big-ticket government program

近义词 big-ticket高价的

用作形容词They ask a high price for their services and like most mercenaries are not too fussy about their employers.他们只为高价的雇主服务,并且像多数佣兵一样不会介意雇主背景。
Wherever the Italian city-states were at war with each other,Hawkwood used to hire his soldiers to princes who were willing to pay the high price he demanded.每次意大利成邦之间打仗,霍克伍德便把他的士兵雇佣给愿出高价的君王。
She declaimed against the high rents in slums.她激烈抨击贫民窟中昂贵的房租。
Lunch in an expensive restaurant was the high spot of the day.在一家昂贵的餐厅里用午餐是那天的最大享受。 And mobile shoppers are buying high-ticket items like diamond rings and cars, not just virtual goods and ring tones.
移动购物者已开始购买像钻戒和汽车之类的高价商品,而不仅仅是虚拟商品和铃声。 yeeyan

The theory, of course, being that since this is a high-ticket item and she is“ such a big girl, ” it would be much better for her to pick it out.
从道理上讲,因为自行车价格不菲,而阿尔米又是“这么个大姑娘”,所以还是让她自己挑更好。 www.hkc.edu.cn




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