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1839BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹ 例句 A city of central Missouri north- northwest of Jefferson City. The main campus of the University of Missouriestablished1839 is here. Population, 69,101. 美国密苏里州中部城市,位于杰斐逊西北偏北,是密苏里大学建于1839年的主要校园所在地。人口69,101。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn Built in1839, Monte Rosa is the oldest hotel in town. 1839年成立的马特罗莎是镇内最老的饭店。 iciba Between1839 and 1842, the British manufactured a nasty little war in which they smashed the Chinese military, and justified it all in the name of free trade. 1839年至1842年之间,英国对中国发动了一场肮脏的小型战争,击垮了中国军队,并以自由贸易的名义将战争完全合法化。 yeeyan For example, the1839 credit crisis, the United Kingdom there is caused by the poor harvests. 例如,1839年英国出现的信用危机就是由农业歉收引起的。 blog.sina.com.cn For example, Pope Gregory XVI established the Vatican Egyptian Museum in1839. 比如,教皇十六世格里高利就在1839年建立了梵蒂冈埃及博物馆。 hjenglish Guildhall interior at a banquet given for Queen Victoria in 1839. 市政厅内部,为维多利亚女王举办的宴会上,1839年。 myoops He was captured illegally by African slave traders in 1839. 1839年,他被非洲奴隶交易者非法抓获。 blog.sina.com.cn In“ Every Man His Own Butler,” published in 1839, Cyrus Redding, a wine merchant and author, wrote “ claret for a bishop, port for a rector, currant for a curate and gin for the clerk”. 在1839年出版的《人人都是大管家》一书中,葡萄酒商兼作者赛勒斯? 雷丁 Cyrus Redding写道:“波尔多配主教,波特酒配牧师,醋栗酒配助理牧师,杜松子酒配职员”。 ecocn Moreover, the money supply fell by the same percentage between1839 and1843 that it did between1929 and1933, but robust increases in real consumption and real GNP followed. 而且,1839年——1843年间货币的紧缩程度和1929—1933年的相仿,但是随后真正的消费和 GNP就强劲恢复了。 yeeyan No record of either man, or anyone until1839, using this phrase exists. 但是直到1839年,尚没有发现关于上述两人或任何其他人用过Ok一词的文字记载。 moon-soft On this day in 1839, the initials“O.K.” are first published in The Boston Morning Post. 1839年的今天,“O.K。”这个缩写第一次刊登在波士顿晨邮报上。 cri Painting of course did not expire in1839, as one French painter hastily predicted; 一位法国画家曾妄下断言,称绘画在1839年寿终正寝。当然,并非如此;99read The photoelectric effect was discovered by Alexandre E. Becquerel in1839, and Albert Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for his physical explanation of it in 1921. 1839年,亚历山大· E·贝克勒尔发现了光电效应。1921年,阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦因自己的物理解释荣获诺贝尔奖。 yeeyan The21st century leading energy source may very well depend on the development of a technology that was first discovered in1839. 一项首次出现于1839年的技术的发展状况在很大程度上决定了21世纪的主要能源。 edu.sina.com.cn Turkish sultan1808-1839 who despite able leadership was unable to prevent further disintegration of the Ottoman Empire. 土耳其苏丹1808-1839年,尽管他有杰出的领导才能,仍然未能阻止奥斯曼帝国的进一步瓦解。 http://www.79cha.com From 1839 on, Feuerbach virtually deviated from Hegelian philosophy and exerted certain early influence on Marx. 费尔巴哈1839年起实际脱离黑格尔哲学并对马克思有一定的早期影响。 cnki In 1839, the British Macmillan invented the pedal, mounted on the front wheels. 1839年,英国人麦克米伦发明了脚踏,装于前轮上。05542 In 1839,53 African slaves being transported on the Spanish merchant ship La Amistad revolted against their captors. 1839年,西班牙商船爱米斯塔特号运送的53名非洲奴隶发起了反抗掠奴者的暴动。 yeeyan In 1839 she moved to Springfield, Illinois, to live with her sister Elizabeth and Elizabeth's husband, Ninian Edwards, whose family was active in local politics. 1839年,她搬到伊利诺斯州斯普林菲尔德市其姐姐伊丽莎白与姐夫尼尼安·爱德华兹家,其姐夫家族对当地政治颇为热心。 yeeyan |