

单词 high opinion
释义 high opinion haiəˈpinjən 短语²⁸²⁹⁶
Our products find a good sale in all parts of the world, such as America, Europe, Japan, Korea etc. , won trust and high opinion from customers deeply.
产品远销美国、欧洲、日本、韩国等世界各地,深受客户的信赖和好评。 dictall

He has a high opinion of himself which makes him either get cross with a co-worker in the factory or get in Dutch with the boss.
他这个人很自负,这使得他不是和厂里的同事过不去就是得罪于老板。 ebigear

I am under the impression that the manager has a high opinion of your sober approach to the tough problem.
我得到这样印象:经理对你解决这一难题的高招赞赏有加。 txtxiaoshuo

Such a relatively low expectation for growth reflects a high opinion of China's leaders.
这样对经济增长相对的保守期望反映出,中国领导人的高瞻远瞩。 ecocn




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