

单词 high office
释义 high office短语²⁵⁰⁴⁸
At a stroke, whole generations of middle-aged Tory men can feel dreams of high office evaporating like the fumes from a consoling tumbler or two of late- night Scotch.
中年的保守党男士感觉高官爵位的梦想瞬间蒸发,就像深夜苏格兰里令人慰藉的一个或两个玻璃杯中的烟雾霎间飘散一般。 ecocn

Some may wonder whether the time will come for Mr Cheney, perhaps for reasons of ill- health, to stand aside and to allow a rising Republican the advantage of a spell in high office.
这使人猜想或许切尼可能借机以健康为由辞职,腾出位置让共和党的新星进入高层作为替换。 ecocn

Arnold, in particular, wrote with a ponderous gravity— the burdens of high office clearly weighed heavily upon his shoulders.
尤其是阿诺德,其诗作风格凝重严肃,高职之负担显然重压其肩。 ecocn

If you cannot stomach the risk, do not strive for high office.
如果你不能承受风险,就不要谋求高位。 iciba

Some heavyweights, such as Alain Juppé, a former prime minister, may return to high office.
另一些重量级人物,阿兰朱佩,法国前总理,可能会重回政府高层。 ecocn

The new thinking is that the most useful thing ministers can do for emerging sectors is to use the pull and prestige of high office itself.
最新的想法是,大臣们对新兴商业力所能及的最有用的事情就是利用好身居要职得到的影响力和特权。 ecocn

This sense of entitlement is crucial to understanding why people misbehave in high office.
这种权利意识对了解人们为什么在高位上会胡作非为具有关键意义。 iciba

What they cannot bear is that many on the left suspect them of enjoying high office.
他们不能忍受的是很多左翼分子怀疑他们身居要职。 ecocn




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