

单词 high noon
释义 high noon☆☆☆☆☆短语³³²⁶²

the middle of the dayhigh noon正午
近义词 noon正午midday正午noonday正午noontide正午
At noon, the sun is high in the sky.正午,烈日当空。
We need to be there before noon.我们要在正午前赶到那儿。noun.12:00 o'clock
同义词 1200 hours,eight bells,meridian,meridiem,midday,noon,noonday,nooning,noontide,noontime,peak
critical massnoun crucial point
climax,crisis,crisis point,critical juncture,critical point,critical stage,crossroads,crucial moment,crunch time,decisive moment,defining moment,do or die time,emergency,high noon,irreversible momentum,moment of truth,pivotal point,point of no return,sink or swim time,the Rubicon,turning point,zero hour
crunch timenoun crucial moment
critical mass,critical moment,do or die time,high noon,moment of truth,pivotal point
meridiannoun summit, climax
acme,apex,apogee,crest,culmination,extremity,high noon,high-water mark,peak,pinnacle,zenith
middaynoun middle of the day
12 PM,high noon,lunchtime,noon,noontide,noontime,twelve hundred,twelve noon,twelve o'clock
noonnoun the middle of a day
apex,high noon,meridian,midday,noonday,noontide,noontime,twelve noon,twelve o'clock
turning pointnoun critical juncture
axis,change,climacteric,climax,contingency,crisis,critical mass,critical moment,critical period,critical point,crossing,crossroads,crucial moment,crucial occurrence,crucial period,crunch,crux,culmination,cusp,decisive moment,defining moment,development,emergency,exigency,high noon,hinge,juncture,kairotic moment,moment of truth,nexus,pass,peak,peripeteia,pinch,pivot,pivotal moment,point of no return,race against time,rising action,shift,strait,transition,turn of the tide,twist,when push comes to shove,zero hour Peter Hyams' Outland transferred the plot of High Noon to interstellar space.
彼得·海姆斯导演的《九霄云外》把《正午》的情节搬到了外太空。 yeeyan

Straying from the dumb blonde archetype, she made her mark by playing sophisticated modern young women in films like Rear Window, To Catch A Thief and High Noon.
不落无脑金发美女的窠臼,她蜚声影坛凭借的是其在《后窗》、《捉贼记》和《正午》等电影中对聪明的现代年轻女性的演绎。 yeeyan

Because the Sunis at high noon in your chart, it acts like a spotlight on you, and brings you to the attention of others, specifically the authority figures in your life.
因为太阳在你命盘的最高点,将聚光灯打在了你身上,让别人注意到了你,尤其是你生活中的大人物。 club.astro.sina.com.cn

In some respects, this will be a significant month because Mercury retrograde is taking place at high noon in your chart.
在某些方面,这是至关紧要的一个月。水星逆行在你命盘的正午发生。 club.astro.sina.com.cn

IOC until8th high noon was still attempting until the last minute to let them register, but does not have the result.
国际奥委会直到最后一分钟直至8日正午仍在试图让他们注册,但是并没有成效。 blog.sina.com.cn

It can be said that they have the support of loyal fans, Jay's career will be more sun at high noon.
可以说有了这些忠实的歌迷的支持,周董的事业才会更加如日中天。 hicoo

It took stars like John Wayne, Gary Cooper, Clark Gable, and Jimmy Stewart to depict that race of men—and epics like Stagecoach, High Noon, and The Philadelphia Story.
这影响了后来诸如约翰韦恩,加里库伯,克拉克盖博和吉米斯图尔特等一大批明星的表演方式,出现了《关山飞度》、《正午》、《费城故事》等影片。 yeeyan

My favorite was High Noon.
我最喜欢的一部叫做《正午》。 yeeyan

The light is soft and flattering at these times, whereas high noon or flash photography can illuminate a little too much.
这些时间的光线比较柔和和悦目,而正午或闪光照片的照明可能会有点过亮。 yeeyan

This is the only time all year when the Sun is at high noon in your chart acting like a spotlight on you.
太阳正午的时候位于狮子座星盘,好像在关注你一样,这是全年仅有的一次。 hjenglish

Who have already dared to say extremely proud of success, like the sun at high noon not afraid solitude?
谁有敢说春风得意,如日中天就不怕孤独? bbs.scol.com.cn

When I was elected President, I told an interviewer that my favorite movie was High Noon.
当我是当选总统时,我在一次访谈中提到自己最喜欢的电影是《正午》。 yeeyan




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