

单词 highly toxic
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Today the mining operations continue to make the river highly toxic to marine life thanks to the leftover dissolved metals and tailings still in the river.
由于河中仍有残余溶解金属和尾矿,河水至今对于海洋生物仍继续产生着严重的毒害作用。 yeeyan

“ Many pesticides and fungicides are highly toxic to bees,” she says.
“很多杀虫剂和杀真菌剂对蜜蜂来说都是剧毒。”她说。 yeeyan

Although the extraction process in each location differs, they share a need for highly toxic chemicals.
尽管各地区提取元素方法不同,但是都需要一些剧毒化学物质。 yeeyan

Counterfeit medicines range from products containing no active ingredients to those containing highly toxic substances.
假冒药物范围很广,既有不含任何有效成分的产品,也有含剧毒物质的产品。 who

Dioxins are highly toxic and can cause reproductive and developmental problems, damage the immune system, interfere with hormones and also cause cancer.
二恶英是一类剧毒物质,可导致生殖和发育问题,损害免疫系统,干扰激素,还可以导致癌症。 who

Poison dart frogs, like this sapphire-blue species, are highly toxic.
像这种蓝宝石颜色的毒箭蛙,有剧毒。 yeeyan

Thousands of west Africans besieged local hospitals, and a number died, in 2006 after the dumping of hundreds of tons of highly toxic oil waste around Abidjan.
2006年在倾倒了数百吨剧毒废油在阿比让周边之后,数千名西非人包围了当地的医院,其中有几人死亡。 yeeyan




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