

单词 high-heeled shoes
释义 high-heeled shoes
In conventional high-heeled shoes, the heel is much higher than the rest of the shoe, causing the wearer to place their foot at an angle.
传统的高跟鞋一般都是鞋跟部分要比鞋底高出很多,我们穿着的时候脚其实是位于一个三角形的支架上。 ebigear

Please put the high-heeled shoes, denture, necklace, tie, pens, watches and jewelry in the overhead bin or hand them to the flight attendants.
将高跟鞋、假牙、胸章、领带、项链、圆珠笔钢笔及小件物品放在行李架内或交给乘务员。 fsaac

The street vendor suggested that I should buy the high-heeled shoes in coffee.
摊贩老板建议我应该买那双咖啡色的高跟鞋。 ebigear

“ Birds series” consists of three hand- made high-heeled shoes.
“鸟类系列”由三双手工制作的高跟鞋组成。 yeeyan

Do you carry high-heeled shoes?
你们有高跟鞋卖么? putclub

He cocked his eyes on her high-heeled shoes.

I'm not allowed to wear high-heeled shoes these days for fear that my spinal core will get hurt again.
为了怕脊椎神经再度受伤,最近我都不能穿高跟鞋了。 putclub

If you love wearing high-heeled shoes but hate the torturous impact they have on your feet, then your prayers could be answered by the latest trend in shoe fashion.
如果你喜欢穿高跟鞋,但又不愿意让双脚受折磨,那么最近流行的鞋品应该就是你一直在寻找的。 kekenet

No matter what season, I have feet are high-heeled shoes, Ming know kinds of constraints, but I am still willing to suffer.
无论哪个季节,我脚上都是高跟鞋,明知道是种束缚,但我依然愿意受罪。 dota123

Open your seat belt, NO baggage, No high-heeled shoes!
解开安全带,不要带行李,脱下高跟鞋! blog.sina.com.cn

Perfect performance, dazzling costume, that black robe and red high-heeled shoes become mysterious dreams to his fans.
完美的演出,令人眩目的服装,那黑色如睡莲般的长袍和血红的高跟鞋都成为歌迷心中的一个迷梦。 blog.sina.com.cn

Please remove high-heeled shoes before using the slides.
在使用充气滑梯时请脱掉您的高跟鞋。 ecocn

Some researchers have speculated that high-heeled shoes may be to blame.
有研究者推测高跟鞋可能是罪魁祸首。 ebigear

Temperature at the dawn or dusk may low, please bring more clothes. Ladies please don't wear high-heeled shoes.
早晚温差较大,请适当增减衣服,女士请勿穿高跟鞋。 blog.sina.com.cn

The quick- thinking heroine kicked off her high-heeled shoes and ran towards her with her arms outstretched.
这位“女英雄”来不及多想,赶忙踢掉高跟鞋,朝正掉下来的孩子跑去,伸出双臂接住了孩子。 huanqiu

Tips for learning the network had high-heeled shoes trading member should pay attention to, contentment and then carry on with music!
学习过高跟鞋交易秘笈的网员要注意,知足而后有乐矣! legu168

Winter coats and high-heeled shoes?
冬衣还是高跟鞋? yeeyan




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