

单词 high-heel
释义 high-heelCOCA⁹⁹⁶⁷⁹BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
And in my opinion the female's high-heel shoes nowadays are the extension foot- binding culture of feudal dynasty.
女性的高跟鞋,我总觉得是封建裹脚文化的延伸; iciba

And as a female, I allowed, agree and support those male siblings who love the high-heel shoes to have a try.
作为女性,我允许,赞同,支持爱穿高跟鞋的男同胞去尝试一下。 iciba

For models like me, staying up late, wearing30- cm high-heel shoes and makeup for long hours are just regular things.
像我,熬夜,穿30厘米的高跟鞋,化很长时间的装,这都是家常便饭了。 yeeyan

In conventional high-heeled shoes, the heel is much higher than the rest of the shoe, causing the wearer to place their foot at an angle.
传统的高跟鞋一般都是鞋跟部分要比鞋底高出很多,我们穿着的时候脚其实是位于一个三角形的支架上。 ebigear

The distance the high-heel wearers could flex their feet up and down was also drastically reduced.
穿高跟鞋的女性,她们能够上下活动脚的距离锐减。 yeeyan

What do you think about these high-heel shoes?

Also, there's a high-heel shoe with different colored flowers inside.
同样,还有一双里面有不同颜色花的高跟鞋。 hxen

Annie looks radiant today! Red dress, high-heel shoes…
阿妮今天真是豔光四射!红色洋装、高跟鞋… elevior

At that time, the rabbit under their high-heel shoes was dying.
而此时, 在她们高跟鞋下的兔子已经奄奄一息. ebigear

Fourth on the list is high-heel lover, Suri Cruise, who at the tender age of five is nothing if not dedicated to the world of fashion.
在榜单中排名第四的是高跟鞋爱好者苏芮•克鲁斯。 小苏芮年仅5岁,但十分热衷时尚。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

It is applicable for any skin, particularly for users with tired feet and high-heel shoe.
适合任何肤质,更适合双足疲劳、穿高跟鞋者使用。 conttie

Please take off your high-heel shoes in an event of emergency landing.
飞机紧急迫降时请把高跟鞋脱掉。 aircn

High-heel shoes have fallen out of favour with young ladies who prefer casual dress.
那些爱穿休闲装的年轻女士已经不再喜欢穿高跟鞋了。 www.i21st.cn




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