

单词 and-down
释义 and-downCOCA³¹⁵¹¹¹⁺
Greatly up-and-down oil price has caused the company great loss.
油价的巨大变动使这家公司遭受了巨大的损失。 nciku

“It was kind of an up-and-down night, ” Hughes said.
休斯说:那晚上真的是七上八下。 yinghanhuyi.com

So we do believe that the government will be very careful in managing the up-and-down of Renminbi.
所以我们相信,中国政府在处理人民币汇率问题上是非常谨慎的。 xhstv

Still, many nervous investors have been ditching the up-and-down stock market and pouring their funds into physical assets like gold or cash equivalents.
不少神经紧张的投资者仍然撤离这升降不定的股市,投入到实物资产比如黄金和现金当量。 yeeyan




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