pretentious especially with regard to language or ideals;high-flown talk of preserving the moral tone of the school
a high-sounding dissertation on the means to attain social revolution
of high moral or intellectual value; elevated in nature or style;an exalted ideal
argue in terms of high-flown ideals
a noble and lofty concept
a grand purpose
high-flown⇒adj.崇高的²⁰;夸张的⁸⁰近义词 lofty高的grand重大的exalted高位的pompous傲慢的sublime高尚的la-di-da做作的snobbish势利的elevated抬高的inflated膨胀的rarified稀薄的rarefied稀薄的grandiose宏伟的affected受影响的high-minded高尚的noble-minded高尚的high-sounding夸大的idealistic理想主义的pretentious自命不凡的exaggerated言过其辞的grandiloquent辞藻浮华的highfalutin自大的, 骄傲的…
用作形容词Such actions do not comport with your high status.那样的行为与你崇高的社会地位不相称。
We should nourish our spirits with high ideas.我们应该用崇高的理想充实自己的心灵。
Celebrity designers crafted flight attendants' uniforms in colorful silks, psychedelic patterns and fitted dresses that sported hems as high as the times.名流设计师用彩色的丝绸面料设计乘务员的制服,产生迷幻效果的样式和合体的连衣裙,带着夸张的炫耀褶边。 Bozo indulged in the most high-flown speculations.
博佐沉入了最最不切实际的幻想中。 hxen
His literary diction would give food for merriment to our elders behind his back, some of his high-flown phrases finding a permanent place in our family repertoire of witticisms.
他的文学辞令成了大人们背后的笑料。 他的一些夸张的语句在我们家的妙语如珠节目栏上占有永久的地位。 yeeyan
His method was always the same: using high-flown rhetoric and obscure language while dissembling and faking his way through life.
他一直在用同一种方法:一生都靠夸张的花言巧语和模棱两可来掩饰蒙混过关。 yeeyan