

单词 high explosive
释义 high explosive ˌhaɪɪkˈspləʊsɪv ☆☆☆☆☆高短语⁶¹⁰¹⁸

a powerful chemical explosive that produces gas at a very high rate反义词 low explosive低级炸药
用作名词The tanks were blown to pieces by high explosives.坦克给烈性炸药炸成碎块了。
He began a series of experiments in high explosives.他开始做一系列烈性炸药的试验。 A runaway escapement is a mature part which is widely used in a missile, rocket and medium or large calibre high explosive projectile, and its features have been studied.
无返回力矩钟表机构是一种广泛用于导弹、火箭弹和中大口径榴弹上的成熟部件,前人对它的特性作过许多研究工作。 dictall

The aim of this paper is to analyze the movement of metallic jet in fuze adapter generated by the high- speed high explosive antitank projectile through the use of numerical simulations.
文中采用数值模拟方法,对高速破甲弹生成的金属射流在头螺内运动过程进行了分析。 dictall

A new non primary explosive electric detonator with only high explosive adopted was introduced in this paper.
介绍了一种只采用猛炸药的非起爆药电雷管。 chemyq

Friction sensitivity of high explosive was analyzed according to thermal explosion theory by theoretical analysis and numerical modeling.
根据炸药的热反应扩散方程,通过理论分析和数值模拟的方法对高能炸药的摩擦感度进行了研究。 dictall

Objective In order to provide basis for establishing principle of the aid and treatment, characteristics and rule of the high explosive shell traumatized animals were studied.
目的研究榴弹致伤生物的基本特点和规律,为制定救治原则提供依据。 cnki

Throughout the night the North Vietnamese troops lob grenades and set off high explosive rounds in the hole hoping to force out the green berets.
北越军队整晚一直在扔手榴弹,在洞里引爆炸药,希望把突击队员逼出来。 englishtide




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