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high end短语¹⁰⁷⁴³ 基本例句 n.高端 By turning necessity into a virtue, Hyundai has forced its way into the high end of the market. 本着将基本需求上升为品味这一做法,现代在高端市场打拼出了自己的天地。 yeeyan The Selfridges chain of high end department stores has started accepting China UnionPay cards, the domestic credit card only available in China. 塞尔福里奇高端百货连锁公司已开始接受中国银联卡付款,银联卡是一种只能在中国国内使用的信用卡。 cri Bottom line: At the high end, it's a good time to be shopping for that dream home. 关键是:在高端住宅市场,现在购买你的梦想房子是个好时候。 iciba Current high end microprocessors currently run at around3GHz, although their sophisticated architecture means they are many, many times more powerful. 尽管目前的高端微处理机构造复杂,看上去非常强劲,但它们目前运行大约在3兆赫兹左右。 yeeyan I think this would probably require a tonne of bandwidth, not to mention a heap of servers with high end hardware specifications to do all the rendering. 我认为这对带宽的需求可能是灾难性的,更不用说还要一堆用以渲染的高端伺服器。 yeeyan Interestingly enough, the problems that impact the high end of the market also impact this fast enough segment of the market. 有趣的是影响高端市场的问题同时也影响着市场中发展迅速的各个区段。 yeeyan On a weekly basis we would skate over to our local skate shop and gawk at all the high end skate decks, trucks axels, and wheels. 而每周我们都会滑着滑板,来到我们当地的滑板商店,呆呆的看着那些高端的板面,支架,还有轮子。 yeeyan Through the use of design simplicity and high end precious materials the atmosphere is calm, soft, bright and new age aristocratic. 通过这种简洁的设计和最高端珍贵材料的使用,整个空间氛围非常宁静、舒适、明亮并富有新时代的贵族气质。 yeeyan High end content- management solutions work with a database and assign unique identifiers to each document. 高端内容管理解决方案使用一个数据库,并对每一个文档指定唯一的标识符。 ibm |