

单词 high dam
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one of the world's largest dams on the Nile River in southern Egypt近义词 Aswan High Dam阿斯旺高坝(尼罗河上最大…
Nearly, with the development of high dam buildings, the radial gate structures became more and more complex, and the dynamic characteristics became more and more complicated.
近年来随着高坝建设的不断发展,弧形闸门门体结构设计也趋于复杂,运行过程的动态特性也变得复杂多样。 cnki

The high Dam at Aswan was completed in 1970.

The fluctuating pressure in joints of the bed rock may be a main factor to destroy the bed rock lower reach of a high dam.
高坝下游基岩缝隙内的水流压力脉动是可能造成基础破坏的一个基本因素。 cnki

Engineering technical scheme of“ high dam with large reservoir” has been used to deal with reservoir action for water resources of inland river basin in arid area.
对于解决干旱区内陆河流水资源的调蓄问题,人们已习惯采用“高坝大库”的工程技术方案。 cnki

For the RCC high dam embedding high strength polyethylene cooling water pipe is studied.
对 RCC高坝埋设高强度聚乙烯冷却水管技术进行了研究。 cnki

In 1971 engineers and workers completed the Aswan High Dam, nearly 600 miles upriver from Cairo toward the Sudanese frontier.
1971年,技术人员和工人在从开罗向苏丹边境方向600英里处建造了阿斯旺高坝。 zjzk

Mayantong Hydropower Station will be exploited by taking high dam and diversion way.
马岩洞水电站采取高坝、引水式开发。 cnki

Simulation of hydraulic fracturing of rock mass is an important issue in the construction design of high dam and deep- lying tunnel and so on.
岩体水力劈裂模拟是高坝、深埋隧洞等工程施工设计中的重要问题。 cnki

The Jiangya dam is a high dam with RCC overall section.
江垭大坝是全断面碾压混凝土 RCC高坝。 cnki

Three of the biggest man-made projects in the world are the Great Wall of China, the Pyramids of Egypt and the Aswan High Dam, which is also in Egypt.
世界上有三个最大的人造工程,它们是中国的长城、埃及的金字塔和阿斯旺高坝,后者也是在埃及境内。 ruiwen

High dam with deep water asks for high-level seepage-control so as to save water and land.
深水高坝水库有利于节水节地,对防渗的要求相对较高。 cnki




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