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hiding away短语⁷⁹⁹⁷⁸⁺⁹ 基本例句 v.避匿;🌏躲藏 Are you hiding away, lost. 你是不是藏起来了,丢失了。 blogbus Are you hiding away, lost? 你是不是藏了起来,丢失了? kekenet They can be seen in the cafes of Amsterdam, on the beaches of Goa or hiding away in remote mountain artist colonies. 在阿姆斯特丹的咖啡馆里、在果阿的海滩上,或在深山里的艺术家聚集地中都可以找到嬉皮。 hellomandarin Hiding away from household duties and shirking childcare can even lead to them ' dying of boredom'. 不愿做家务活、又不愿带孩子的男性可能会“死于无聊”。 edu114 After all, your birthday only comes around once a year, and why should I be hiding away? 毕竟,你的生日一年只有一次,为什么我要躲避呢? yeeyan I think I've learnt that if we think deeper there are magical solutions hiding away for us to find. 如果我们想得更深一些,总能找出预想不到的解决方案,我想这就是我所学到的。 blog.sina.com.cn Lord, you've found us hiding away from you, wallowing in self- pity. 主啊,祢发现我们在自怨自艾,躲避不敢见祢。 blog.sina.com.cn Soon, the computer may become invisible to us, hiding away in everyday objects. 在不久的将来,计算机可能就会在我们眼前消失,藏在身边所有东西里。 yeeyan The criminal was hiding away from the police, but a small boy let the cat out of the bag when he told the police that there was a man in the house. 罪犯正躲避警方的搜查,但一位小男孩泄漏了秘密,他告诉警方屋里有一个男人。 iciba This sense of hiding away from trouble and of leaders being detached from the world remains one of the problems with bunkers. 这种关于逃避麻烦、当权者脱离世界的理解成为地下堡垒的问题之一。 yeeyan You could avoid the possibility of disappointment and discomfort by hiding away from life. 我们或许可以选择逃避生活,避免生活带来的失望和沮丧。 calm-sea You could avoid the possibility of disappointment and discomfort by hiding away from life. But then you would miss out on all the beautiful, enriching possibilities as well. 你也可能为避免失意和痛苦而逃避生活,然而,这样就会错失一切机遇良缘。 calm-sea |