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词汇 hewitt
释义 hewitt
Michael Hewitt says in an article in the article in The Independent that a few nudists seem happy that the demise of winter may be in the offing.
在《独立报》中的一篇文章中,麦克.休伊特提到冬季的终结近在咫尺,而少数的裸体主义者对这一现象却都表现的很开心。 yeeyan

Ms. Hewitt says employers have also been posting more positions in risk management this year than before.
休伊特说,今年各大公司在风险管理方面的招聘职位也多过往年。 hxen

“ I hope but I can't promise to get that into the3.1 update,” Hewitt said.
“我希望能将该功能加进3.1版,但我不敢打包票,”休伊特说。 yeeyan

“ There’s a risk to everybody, ” says Jeffrey Hewitt, a Gartner vice president of research. “ This is a disruption.”
“这对每一个人都有风险,” Gartner研发副主席 Jeffrey Hewitt说,“它是一种分裂”。 yeeyan

“ We are working on push,” Hewitt said last night.
“我们正在研发推送式通知,”休伊特昨晚说。 yeeyan

According to HR consulting firm Hewitt Associates, 10-12 per cent of large American employers offer staff this option.
人力资源咨询公司翰威特 Hewitt Associates称,10%-12%的美国大公司为员工提供这种选择。 ebigear

Barbara attended Yale as did three generations of Bushes before her and has worked with the Smithsonian and Cooper- Hewitt museums in New York.
芭芭拉进入了耶鲁大学在她之前,布什家族已有3代人到耶鲁学习,后来在纽约的史密森学会和库珀休伊特博物馆工作。 yeeyan

But there is little sign of that; employees subscribed just7.8% of their salaries to401 k plans this year, according to Hewitt.
但是目前这点几乎让人看不出来:根据翰威特的数据,企业员工们仅仅把自己薪水的7.8%投入401 k计划中。 ecocn

Davies will visit Nagpur to support a delegation of British businesses led by the UK India Business Council, headed by former minister Patricia Hewitt.
戴维斯将访问 Nagpur以支持由英国印度商业委员会前部长 Patricia Hewitt为首率领的英国企业代表团。

Eben Hewitt EH: I wrote Java SOA Cookbook in order to help Java developers write the kinds of applications that the SOA architectural strategy suggests.
Eben Hewitt EH:我撰写《 Java SOA Cookbook》是为了帮助 Java开发者写出 SOA架构策略建议的那种应用。 infoq

Like Nadal, Federer has an easy draw. He does have Lleyton Hewitt potentially in the third round, but Fed has owned that match-up over the years.
和纳达尔一样,费德勒的签表也相对轻松,也许他第三轮的对手会是雷登·休伊特,但是费德勒在他们的历史交锋中向来占有绝对优势。 yeeyan

Meanwhile,4 in5 companies that scaled back their 401 k plans during the downturn say they will restore benefits this year, Hewitt Associates reports.
同时,五分之四的在萧条期缩减了401 k计划美国养老金计划的公司表示他们即将恢复盈利,休伊特咨询公司报道。 yeeyan

Our Europe editor Gavin Hewitt has been at the scene of the day's events.
我们的欧洲编辑 Gavin Hewitt在事发当天现场报道。 hxen

Professor Hewitt says Egypt could look to reforms in Morocco that have appealed to investors.
休伊特教授称,埃及可以观察一下摩洛哥吸引投资者的改革措施。 tingvoa

So far the Japanese firms’ deals have been small, raising concerns that they may be missing their chance to buy at a favourable time, says David Hewitt of CLSA, a broker.
里昂证券经纪人大卫•休伊特说,迄今为止日本企业的交易规模较小,与日俱增的焦虑可能使他们错过在最佳时机买入的机会。 ecocn

The Hewitt's have a grass court at their home. This was where young Lleyton began his tennis career.
休伊特家里有一个草地网球场,小莱顿正是在那儿开始他的网球生涯的。 hxen

Try cooking, like Ghost Whisperer’s Jennifer Love Hewitt does.
试着学习烹饪,就像《鬼语者》美剧詹妮弗.洛芙.休伊特一样。 yeeyan

We know about James Hewitt.
我们都了解詹姆斯·黑维特。 yeeyan

Hewitt realized that few people would want his lamps in their homes, and so concentrated on developing a product for other uses.
Hewitt意识到少数的几个人家中需要灯照,所以就对其它用途方面开发产品。 yeeyan




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