

单词 hewing
释义 hew·ing 英hjuː美hjuː COCA⁸¹⁵⁷⁸BNC⁹¹⁵¹⁷⁺
v.⁴⁴;劈²⁵;砍倒¹²;砍成¹¹;固守³;开辟abbr.美卫生、教育及福利部=Department of Health;Education;and Welfare原型hew的现在分词名词hewer过去分词hewn/hewed现在分词hewing三单hews
make or shape as with an axe;

hew out a path in the rock

strike with an axe; cut down, strike;

hew an oak

rough-hew造材hew out 砍开hew down砍倒hew away砍去, 斩去hew to遵守hew at砍着hew砍hew to the line服从纪律循规蹈矩的…
近义词 cut切axe斧chop劈ax斧子fell砍伐sever切断split分裂slash猛砍carve雕刻shape形状model模范cleave裂开hack劈或砍sculpt雕刻fashion时尚joint联合的hew out 砍开

用作动词Then she two only stretch out, and let himhewaway.然后她就把两只手伸出来,让他砍掉。
He knew better than to attempt tohewrocks with razor.他知道刀片不能劈石头。
He was told not tohewdown that ancient tree.他被告之不要砍倒那棵古树。
Heheweda canoe out of a tree trunk.他把一根树干凿成独木舟。
Every student musthewto the rules and regulations of the college.每个学生都要遵守学校的规章制度。
Theyhewedtheir way through the dense jungle.他们在浓密的丛林里开辟出一条路来。verb.(cut
同义词 cleaveaxe,carve,chip,chop,fashion,fell,hack,hold,prune,shape,strike,stroke Fourthly, according to the guiding ideology of objectives, hewing to methods of expression, construct objectives of the curriculum and study area of yoga compulsory course.
第四,根据瑜伽选修课程目标的指导思想,遵循目标的表述方法,构建了课程目标和学习领域目标。 www.591-lw.com




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