释义 |
Ancient Law 基本例句 n.《古代法》;亨利·萨默·梅恩Henry Summer Maine著 Usucaption regime is anancient lawsystem.取得时效制度是一项古老的法律制度。 According to theancient law,adultery means improper kind of sexual behavior between man and woman.古代法中通奸是指男女之间不正当的性行为。 They do not preach learning and precepts, they preach, undeterred by particulars, theancient lawof life.它们不宣讲学说,它们不注意细枝末节,只宣讲生命的原始法则。 So each man must stay ready for the reckoning,ancient lawdecrees, must one day come.Mike Donkin, BBC News, northern Albania.所以每名男子必须时刻做好准备,这条古老法律的后果,某天会落到自己头上。 It also indicates that different representative penal codes exist in different times, discovering the rich details of patriarchal clan in China'sancient law.缘坐制度在展示不同的时代具有代表性刑法的同时,揭示了中国古代法深厚的宗法文化底蕴。 |