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词汇 1803
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As the Peace of Amiens fell apart in1803, Napoleon lay in the tub for six hours.
亚眠和约在1803年崩解的时候,拿破仑在浴缸里连躺了六小时。 tianya

The transfer finally took place on November30,1803, just three weeks before the cession to the United States.

The execution took place on1 June1946 at1803, in the Jilava penitentiary.

The Louisiana Purchaseof French- claimed territory under President Thomas Jefferson in 1803 almost doubled the nation's size.

The Louisiana Purchase of1803 and subsequent acquisitions in the Southwest added enormously to the supply of potential farm land.
1803年的路易斯安那购买以及之后收购的西南部国土,进一步增加了大片的可耕作土地资源。 yeeyan

The Sale of Goods Act1803 is a well-known example of this.
1803年《货物买卖法》就是这方面一个著名的例子。 lingdi

And this is right out of Chapter1 of the text,1803.

As president, he was involved with the Louisiana Purchase of1803 and the Lewis and Clark Expedition.
作为总统,他任内的重大事件有1803年路易斯安那购地案和及路易斯与克拉克探勘。 yeeyan

Born in Haiti in 1785, John James Audobon was raised in France and to avoid the Napoleonic Wars he escaped to The United States in 1803, where he began to study birds.
1785年出生于海地的约翰•詹姆斯•奥都本在法国长大,为了躲避拿破仑发动的战争,他于1803年逃亡到了美国,在那里他开始了对鸟的研究。 jlpzj

In1803 the Federal Government purchased the Louisiana country.
在1803年,联邦政府买下了路易斯安那那片土地。 zftrans

In1803 Jefferson appointed Lewis commander of an expedition to explore the American territory newly acquired in the Louisiana Purchase.
在1803年杰弗逊总统任命刘易斯为远征军司令,以完成美国新购买的路易安娜州的考察工作。 yeeyan

In1800 Louisiana was secretly returned to Napoleon's France, and by 1803 the French emperor had negotiated its sale to the United States.
在19世纪80年代,路易斯安娜曾秘密的回归到法兰西拿破仑帝国,直到1803年法国皇帝经协商后卖给美国。 yeeyan

It shows how the Supreme Court hijacked the Constitution in1803 with Marbury vs. Madison: the doctrine of judicial review, which the Framers had not foreseen.
本课程揭露了最高法院是如何在1803年通过“马伯里诉麦迪逊案”绑架了宪法,即国父们没有预见到的司法审查原则。 yeeyan

It lists all royal diary appointments from the previous day and was created by George III in1803, reportedly after he became frustrated with inaccurate newspaper reports.
该公告将列出早先一天时间内所有的皇室活动安排。据传,该制度由乔治三世于1803年创立,他当时常因为报纸上错误的新闻报道而感到恼火。 yeeyan

Once in office, Jefferson extended slavery with the Louisiana Purchase in 1803; the new land was carved into13 states, including three slave states.
入主白宫以后,杰弗逊在1803年通过购买路易斯安娜扩大了奴隶制;这片新的土地后来被分为13个州,其中包括了三个蓄奴州。 hjenglish

Ralph Waldo Emerson was born on May25,1803 in Boston, Massachusetts.
1803年5月25日,爱默生出生在马萨诸塞州的波士顿。 iciba

The oldest running newspaper in the States is“The New York Post, ” established in 1803.

The coins were minted in Peru in 1803, when Peru was still a Spanish colony.
铸造的硬币是1803年在秘鲁时,秘鲁仍是西班牙的殖民地。 en400

Then, this part examines the famous political crisis during1801 and1803, what was solved with Americans' unique political compromising wisdom and has been the era background of this trial.
接着,又考查了发生在美国历史上的著名的1801-1803年的政治危机。这场政治危机正是马伯里案发生的时代背景。 cnki

In 1803, President Thomas Jefferson negotiated the purchase of the Louisiana Territory from France, doubling the size of the United States.
1803年,托马斯杰弗逊总统与法国谈判从法国手中购买了路易斯安那,使美国国土面积增加一倍。 hjenglish




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