释义 |
Herstal 基本例句 n.埃斯塔勒在比利时;东经 5º38' 北纬 50º40' C. 10,148 birds. 1st Section, 9th Open NationalHerstalN.C.;举办的南特国家公开赛冠军,10148羽。赫斯多N This competition was won by FNHerstalin late 2004 with a much-modified development of its established FNC rifle.这个竞争已于2004年末由FNHerstal公司将其现有的FNC步枪进行多项改进后赢得了胜利。 He was the illegitimate son of Pepin ofHerstal, a mayor of the palace who governed parts of the Frankish realm at a time when the Merovingian kings ruled in name only.他是宫相丕平Pepin ofHerstal的私生子,当时控制了法兰克王国的部分领土,梅罗文加王朝的国王已有名无实。 |