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“ If they want to transfer the humanitarian equipment there to the people in Gaza they are welcome to do it through Ashdod,” Hershkowitz said.
赫什科夫维奇说:“如果他们想要把人道援助设备运给加沙人民,他们可以通过阿什杜德来运输。” www.voanews.com.cn

“ No ships will be allowed to arrive at Gaza,” Hershkowitz said.
那就是任何船只都不允许抵达加沙。 www.voanews.com.cn

“ People realize in bottle- bill states that throwing out a can with a deposit on it is, in effect, throwing out a dime or a nickel, ” Hershkowitz says.
艾伦说,“人们从条例草案的规定中认识到,扔了一个瓶子就是扔掉了它上面的存款,实际上等于抛出一角钱或一份镍。” dltcedu

Allen Hershkowitz of the Natural Resources Defense Council says container deposit laws, also known as“ bottle bills, ” give a financial incentive to recycle.
自然资源保护委员会的艾伦说,回收法律,也称为“瓶子法案” ,规定给予回收行为财政奖励。 dltcedu

Israeli Cabinet Minister Daniel Hershkowitz said Israel has not changed its policy and its policy is very clear.
以色列内阁部长赫什科夫维奇说:“以色列并没有改变它的政策,而且这一政策非常明确。” www.voanews.com.cn

Speaking at the weekly Cabinet meeting in Jerusalem, Hershkowitz said there are legal ways to help the Palestinians.
赫什科夫维奇在耶路撒冷的每周内阁会议上发表讲话说,有合法的方式可以帮助加沙人民。 www.voanews.com.cn

Hershkowitz says that if Americans don't recycle more plastic, other problems will get worse.
他还说,如果美国人不回收更多的塑料,其他问题也将变得更糟。 dltcedu




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