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词汇 Herr
释义 Herr 英her美hɛr;heər 高Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
n. 先生名词复数Herren
a German man; used before the name as a title equivalent to Mr in Englisha German courtesy title or form of address for a manNein, das ist nichtHerrHuber/ Frau Meier.不,这不是胡贝尔先生/迈耶尔女士。
HerrWang soll morgen zu mir kommen!叫王先生明天到我这儿来。
And Prisoner Harding,HerrGeneral?将军,连囚犯哈定一起吗?
Guten Tag, Sind SieHerrZhang aus China?您好,您是来自中国的张先生嘛?
Entschuldigung, sind SieHerrWang aus Peking?对不起,您是北京的王先生吗?
Was istHerrHannon/Frau Boon von Beruf?哈侬先生/波鸿女士是干什么的? And for Dr Herr, there will always be room for improvement in the speed, stability and energy- efficiency of his legs.
对何博士而言,他的脚永远可以在速度、稳定性、和能源效率上有改进的空间。 topsage

The science is still very immature when it comes to assessing whether prosthetics provide an advantage, says Dr Herr, though the evidence so far suggests that they do not.
赫尔博士说,科学在评价假肢是否带来优势方面依旧十分稚嫩,虽然就目前的证据看它们并没有带来优势。 ecocn

“ Change in technology always has to precede these kinds of changes in attitude, ” Herr says.
在人们态度改变之前,科技的变化总是要走在前头的。 yeeyan

“ I studied tool- and- dye at school so I knew my way around tools,” says Dr Herr.
赫尔博士说:“我在在学校学过工具和染色,所以我知道怎么使用它们。” ecocn

“ Some of our patients actually start to cry when they use it,” says Dr Herr.
赫尔博士说:“我们的一些患者在使用它时真的哭了。” ecocn

“ That's negligible,” says Dr Herr.
何博士说,”那是微不足道的”。 topsage

“ We were in pretty bad shape, ” Dr Herr recalls.
“我们都糟透了,”赫尔博士回忆。 ecocn

“ Herr Heise, that's enough for today,” replied19-year-old Robert Steinhaeuser respectfully, putting down the pistol with which he had been about to shoot his former teacher.

“ Herr Fritzl spent most of his childhood in a severe state of anxiety, ” she said.
“ Herr Fritzl的童年几乎都是在强烈的焦虑中度过的,”她说。 yeeyan

“ Herr Fritzl was a ' proof child', an 'alibi child', ” she said, adding that this“ was his only function as a child”.
“ Herr Fritzl是一个被作为‘证据’的孩子”,她说,并补充说这是“他作为一个孩子唯一的功能”。 yeeyan

After the Berlin Wall fell, “ We came back immediately, ” Mr. Herr said, and reclaimed possession of the Adler.
海尔先生说,柏林墙倒塌后“我们立即回来了,”并重新取回了埃尔顿旅馆的所有权。 yeeyan

Dr Herr plans to add regenerative capabilities to his prosthetic devices, such as the PowerFoot One.
何博士计划要为他的义肢装置,包括动力脚一号,添加再生能源的能力。 topsage

East German authorities shut the hotel in the 1950s— it lay inside the sperrgebiet— and Mr. Herr’s father fled to Frankfurt.
东德当局在1950年代关闭了旅馆,因为旅馆位于禁区内,海尔先生的父亲逃亡到了法兰克福。 yeeyan

I would suggest calling me anything but herr.
我要建议称呼我随便什么,但不要是先生。 yeeyan

In many respects walking should be an inefficient process, but because of the way the human body is designed, it is quite the opposite, says Dr Herr.
赫尔博士说,从许多方面看来,步行本该是一种无效率的过程,但人体的构造使之恰恰相反。 ecocn

Mark and I stopped on the terrace for a beer, and met the proprietor, Thomas Herr, whose family has owned the Adler for five generations.
我和麦克停下来在平台上喝一杯啤酒,遇见了业主托马斯.海尔,他的家族拥有埃德尔旅馆已经有五代了。 yeeyan

' Only six inches!' exclaimed Mein Herr.
Mein Herr大叫道:“仅仅六英寸? ecocn

This sort of device is primarily aimed at improving distance rather than speed, says Dr Herr.
何博士说,像这样的装置主要是针对延长行走的距离,而不是要增快速度。 ecocn

Herr Weber should have used his instinct— there must be more elegant ways to advertise— a stunning nude with a cocky hat might well boost his sales!
韦伯先生应该用他的本能来促进他的销售,一定还有更好的广告方式,比如一个令人目瞪口呆的戴着翻边帽的裸体。 yeeyan

Herr Otto Rank has afforded me valuable assistance in the selection of supplementary examples, and has revised the proofs of this edition.
奥托·兰克先生对于新增材料的选用给予了极大的帮助,并审订了本版的校样。 yeeyan




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