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Herodes Atticus 基本例句 希罗德·阿提库斯10l-177,希腊人,演说家、作家。 D. 160 by Greek philosopher and rhetoricianHerodes Atticusas a tribute to his wife.阿提库斯建造了这座陡坡式的露天剧院,以纪念他的妻子。 This steep-sloped amphitheater was built around A.D. 160 by Greek philosopher and rhetoricianHerodes Atticusas a tribute to his wife.这陡斜面圆形围绕公元160希腊哲学家和雄辩家阿迪库斯的敬意,他的妻子。 A concert, played by the Patras String Ensemble, was held at the Theater ofHerodes Atticusto welcome the comeback flame.为欢迎圣火归来,在卫城剧院还举办了一场交响音乐会。 In a ritual that has taken place for centuries, an expectant assemblage awaits a dramatic entrance by performers under darkening skies in theHerodes AtticusTheater in Athens, Greece.在举行了许多世纪的仪式上,一群期待的会众在变暗的天空下等待着表演者戏剧般的入场。 |