

单词 hermits
释义 hermits ˈhə:mits COCA⁶¹¹²⁷BNC⁶²⁰²⁹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
n.尤指早期基督教的隐居修道士;隐士;遁世者hermit的名词复数原型hermit的三单 Do most Chinese intellectuals like to be hermits?
大部分的中国分子都喜欢当隐士吗? hotdic

The habitation of a hermit or group of hermits.
隐士住处一位或一群隐士住的地方。 suxuewang

The hermits who go, self- banished, into their rural retreats have as much right to their solitude as we to our society.
那些自我放逐到深山隐地的隐士们有权利选择孤独,正如我们有权利选择混迹熙攘红尘一样。 yeeyan

But such seclusion, meantime, is actually solitude. Absolute hermits are rare indeed, and the satisfaction of a minor group can't serve to illustrate the happiness of the majority.
但这种孤傲遁世同时也是孤独的,纯粹的隐者实属少数,而少数者的满足不能用来解读普世的幸福模样。 ecocn.org

But the Swordmctsters are not hermits.
但是剑圣们不是隐士。 forum.byr.edu.cn

For example, if we were the type of creature that flourished as hermits, the need for trust and friendly cooperation would not be nearly so pressing.
例如,如果我们是如隐士般感觉富足的生物,对于信任和友好合作的需求就不会近乎紧迫的。 yeeyan

Inner peace, which is peace of mind, is not the sole possession of yogis and hermits.
内心平静,也即心灵平静,并不是瑜伽信徒和隐士们的专利。 yeeyan

Inner peace is not reserved only to yogis, hermits or monks, living in some far away place, praying or meditating all day long.
内心平静并不单属于那些远离尘世、整日祈祷或冥想的瑜伽修行者,隐士和僧人。 yeeyan

Monasteries originally developed in the Middle East and Greece from the hermits' huts.
修道院的前身是中东和希腊的隐士隐居的茅舍。 blog.sina.com.cn

Shalassa is worshipped by the sailors, fishermen and pirates, but also by the prophets, hermits and wise men.

So, that is the power of conformity, as it occurs every day, between every single one of us even hermits are conforming with other hermits!.
那么,这就是从众的力量,它每天都发生,在你我之间甚至那些隐士也会追随其他隐士。 yeeyan

Songs were associated with particular groups of people, such as fishermen, cart-drivers, hermits and so on.
歌曲是特殊的人创作,如渔民、赶大车的人、隐居者等等。 ebigear

They are mistrustful of hermits, and do not be- lieve that we come to give.
他们对隐士缺乏信任感,不相信我们是来给予的。 yeeyan

This has a close connection with Chinese hermits.
究其原因,与中国古代隐士医学家有密切的关系。 cnki

Those, who complain and blame the society all days and finally, corner themselves to cease their lives by suicide, especially favor village hermits.
社会中一天到晚抱怨这,指责那,最后将自己逼到墙角以自杀了却残生的人,对这类乡野隐士特别爱戴。 blog.sina.com.cn

Today's monks, the young as well as the elderly, are drawn by a tradition that dates back to the beginning of Christianity, when hermits retired from the world to live in remote caves.
今天的修士,无论年轻的还是年老的,都饱受基督教早期的传统影响,那时隐士们远离俗世居住在遥远的洞穴之中。 edu.sina.com.cn

Two hermits lived in a cave far from civilization.
两个隐士住在远离世间的一个山洞里。 ebigear

When people want to inflict upon themselves the hardest punishment or put themselves to the sternest tests, they become hermits.
当人要给自己最重的惩罚,或是最严格的考验,他们就去当隐士。 renren

Hermits colonised this mountain about 1500 years ago but there's only one hermit there at the moment.
早在1500年前,隐士就开始在这里的山上开拓殖民,但当时只有一个隐士。 kekenet




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