

单词 hereof
释义 here·of 英hɪəˈʌv, -ˈɒv美hɪrˈʌv, -ˈɑvAHDhîr-ŭvʹ, -ŏvʹ 高八COCA¹⁶⁴⁹⁵¹BNC⁴⁶³²¹iWeb¹⁸⁸⁰¹

of or concerning this;

the twigs hereof are physic

蒋争熟词记忆here这里;此of关于⇒关于这个here这里;此of关于⇒关于这个用作副词The consciousness of brand of clothes ishereof.衣服品牌意识就在于此了。
In confirmationhereofwe attach a bank statement.为作这方面的确认我们附上银行结单。adv.concerning this
同义词 about,in this regard,of this,on this subject And by reason hereof he ought, as for the people, so also for himself, to offer for sins.
故此他理当为百姓和自己献祭赎罪。 ebigear

The custody manner of trading clearing funds of clients of a securities firm shall meet requirements within1 year since the implementation of provisions hereof.
证券公司客户的交易结算资金存管方式,应当自本条例实施之日起1年内达到规定要求。 scientrans

The Supplier agrees to take appropriate precautionary measures to keep the confidential information hereof from unauthorized disclosure or use.
供应方同意采取适当的预防措施以防止对机密信息未授权的泄漏或使用。 translate.chinadaily.com.cn

Article 86 Where a labor contract is confirmed to be invalid in accordance with Article 26 hereof and harm has been done to both parties, the wrongdoing party shall assume compensation liability.
第八十六条劳动合同依照本法第二十六条规定被确认无效,给对方造成损害的,有过错的一方应当承担赔偿责任。 putclub

In general, products must be consigned directly within the meaning of Rule5 hereof from the country of exportation to the country of destination.
一般情况下,货物必须按照第五条的规定从出口国直接运输到进口国。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Partial shipment or transhipment shall be permitted unless otherwise stated on the face hereof.
应准许分批付运和转运,除非本合约正面另有指定。 ebigear

This Agreement and the schedules hereto constitute the entire agreement between the parties relating to the subject mater hereof.
本协议及其附件构成双方关于本协议标的之完整协议。 putclub

This Contract shall come into force from the date of execution hereof by the Buyer and the Builder。
本合同自买方和建造方签署之日生效。 hxen

We also agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions on the reverse hereof.
本公司并同意接受本申请书背面约定条款之拘束。 iciba




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