

单词 here goes
释义 here goes hiəɡəuz 短语⁹⁹⁴⁰
Now, here goes the story.
这个故事是这样的。 iask.sina.com.cn

The credit here goes entirely to the Maoists' choice of their73 MPs in the new interim legislature.
尼共毛是讲信用的,这也体现在他们选择73名临时议会议员的全过程。 lkong

“ Here goes!” said Theodule.
“遵命!” 忒阿杜勒说。 ebigear

A stash of cash here goes a long way, enabling our sailors to train like professionals and rip apart the competition.
在这种项目中的投入效果十分明显;这使我们的运动员可以像职业选手一样训练,拉开同竞争对手的距离。 yeeyan

It must mean something, so here goes. And so we resist that.

Okay, here goes, do these have to be in any order?
好,首先,是不是所有事情都要按照一定的顺序来? blog.sina.com.cn

We can act on the reality that nothing we accumulate while we’re here goes with us.
我们可以将走时“不带走一片云彩”变成现实。 yeeyan

Well, Jack, here goes nothing! Right now I wish I'd spent a lot more time preparing.
好吧,杰克,不管那么多了。我现在真希望我花了更多的时间来准备演讲。 blog.sina.com.cn

We're inside their system! Lisa exulted, trying to look defeated and numbed from beatings. Here goes.
我们进入他们的系统了!丽莎默默欢呼,努力表现出垂头丧气和对殴打麻木不仁的样子。接着干。 hicoo




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