

单词 1800
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Between1620 and 1800, art and music, architecture and theatre were infused with an unprecedented spirit of opulence, drama and sensuality.
1620年到1800年间,艺术、音乐、建筑以及戏剧被注入了前所未有的华丽因素,富有激情,极具感官美。 ecocn

The study by Mr.Falck and the other economists examined29 opera houses built before1800 or just afterward.
福尔克和其它经济学家的这份报告对建于1800年之前和以后的29家歌剧院进行了考察。 ecocn

The gastric cancer diagnosis was also supported by a2005 Swiss study which examined12 pairs of trousers worn by Napoleon between1800 and1821.
2005年瑞士的一项对12条拿破仑在1800年至1821年间穿过的裤子的研究也支持了胃癌的诊断。 yeeyan

The1800 rule stipulated than any Parisienne wishing to dress like a man“ must present herself to Paris' main police station to obtain authorisation”.
1800年的法令规定任何巴黎女性要想穿得像男人,“必须当面向巴黎警察总局申请以获得许可。” yeeyan

When I asked Dana Meadows what happened when they ran the model from1600, or even1800, she replied that they never tried it.
我曾经问过当娜•梅多斯,当他们在以1600年,甚至1800年为起点运行这个模型的时候,得到了什么结果,她回答道,他们从来没有这样运行过这个模型。 yeeyan

A fancy dressing dude called Beau Brummell moved the male fashion world away from frills about a century later around1800.
大约一个世纪后的1800年左右,一个穿着华丽、叫 Beau Brummell的家伙将男性时尚风潮带离了过分修饰。 yeeyan

Aerial photography has been practiced since the1800’s when photographers would take to the sky in balloons.
自十九世纪摄影师可以乘坐热气球上天起,空中摄影就一直不断在实践中。 yeeyan

Alessandro Volta, an Italian physicist, invented the first battery in 1800.
1800年,意大利物理学家 Alessandro Volta发明了第一块电池。 yeeyan

Available production per capita— the amount that an average individual can consume— increased eightfold between1800 and2000.
有效的人均生产总值-即每个人平均可消费的数量,在1800和2000年间增长了八倍。 yeeyan

But its mass is1800 times that of the electron.

By1800 the six towns of Stoke-on- Trent paralleled China as a world centre for ceramic production.
在1800年的时候,特伦特河畔斯托克的六个小镇与中国并驾齐驱成为世界陶瓷产品的中心。 futogp

He produced over1800 finished water colors as well as thousands of unfinished sketches.
他画的水彩画多达1800幅,还有许多未完成的写生作品。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Real wages rose rapidly after1820; life expectancy, just23 years for Londoners in1800, also improved.
1820年之后实际工资迅速上涨。1800年伦敦人平均寿命仅23岁,此后亦渐渐提高。 ecocn

The lesson learned was that the state needed to take an active role in education, as it had increasingly in mainland Europe since1800.
这些教训告诉人们,一个国家需要在教育上扮演积极的角色,自1800年以来这种思想就在欧洲大陆不断普及。 yeeyan

To fix the problem, the pope decreed that most century years such as1700,1800, and1900 would not be leap years.
为了修正这一误差,教皇规定大多数十几年比如1700,1800及1900年不能作为闰年。 yeeyan

When John Adams was elected President, she continued a formal pattern of entertaining-- even in the primitive conditions she found at the new capital in November 1800.
当约翰亚当斯当选总统,她保持了一贯的待客模式--即使是在1800年新首府刚刚建立,各种条件都很简陋的时候。 yeeyan

With a history of more than1800 years, the village preserves many ancient buildings, which experts pointed out had absorbed the soul of The Book of Changes.
呈坎始建于东汉,距今已有1800多年历史。古村至今仍完整保存着许多古建筑群体,经专家研究,这些建筑及其布局吸收了《易经》元素。 www.chinadaily.com.cn




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