

单词 ancestor
释义 an·ces·tor 英ˈænˌsestə美ˈænˌsɛstɚAHDănʹsĕs'tər ★★☆☆☆初高四六研GIMT宝46八COCA⁵⁵⁷³BNC¹²⁹⁵⁰iWeb⁵⁸⁷⁷Economist¹⁷⁹⁰⁵⁺¹⁰


any of the people from whom sb is descended, especially those more remote than his grandparents; forefather

C原型; 先驱

early form of a machine or structure which later became more developed; forerunner

someone from whom you are descended but usually more remote than a grandparent发音释义:'ænsestə n. 始祖,祖先;被继承人
结构分析:ancestor =an=ante,在前+ces走+tor的人→走在前面的人→祖先
词源解释:ces←拉丁语 cedere走
用作名词 n.
形容词+~a common ancestor同一个祖先remote ancestor远古祖先名词+~noble ancestors名门~+名词ancestor worship祭祖
非常记忆an一个〖熟词〗+ce测〖拼音〗+st石头〖拼音〗+or偶人〖拼音〗⇒我们的祖先是一个喜欢测量石头的偶人GRE红宝书源自ante 前 + ces 前,走在前面的祖先;ancient 远古的 + or 人;音:俺sister是我祖宗,什么都听她的非常记忆an + cestor音近sister妹妹 妹妹在家最顽皮,妈妈叫她小祖宗ant在前面+cest=cess,已经走了+or者→已经在前面走了的人⇒祖先。词根记忆an加强+cest=cess行走+ or表人→走了很久的人→祖先联想记忆ance看作ante先+st+or人→祖先;先驱词根记忆ance看作ante先+ stor ⇒祖先,祖宗词根记忆an=ante+cest=cess+or=走在前面的人=祖先联想记忆ance看作ante先+st+or人→祖先,先驱近义词 forebear反义词 descendant
用作名词n.She has worshiped her ancestor.她已拜过她的祖先。
This machine is the ancestor of the modern computer.这台机器是现代电脑的始祖。

ancestor的基本意思是“祖先,祖宗”,是阳性可数名词,与其对应的阴性名词为ancestress[' nsestrIs] 女祖先; 引申可作“原型,先驱”解。


用作名词During the festival the investor investigated hisancestor.节日期间投资者调查了他的祖宗。
They said theirancestorwas a famous hunter and a crack hunter.他们说他们的祖宗是个有名的猎人,也是个神枪手。
People who share anancestorare called relatives.有同一个祖先的叫做亲戚。
She has worshipped herancestor.她已拜过她的祖先。
One of myancestorswas a great scholar.我的祖先当中有一位是伟大的学者。
The abacus is theancestorof the modern computer.算盘是现代电脑的原型。
The three species evolved from a singleancestor.这三种生物从同一原种进化而来。noun.predecessor in family
同义词 forebear,forefather,founderantecedent,ascendant,foremother,forerunner,precursor,primogenitor,progenitorantecessor,foregoer
反义词 descendant
ancestrynoun family predecessors;family history
antecedentsnoun predecessor(sin family)
antecedentsnoun predecessor(sin family)
eldernoun older person
ancestor,ancient,forebearer,golden ager,matriarch,old fogy,oldest,oldster,patriarch,senior,senior citizen,superior,veteran
eldersnoun older person
ancestors,ancients,forebearers,golden agers,matriarchs,old fogeys,oldests,oldsters,patriarchs,senior citizens,seniors,superiors,veterans
fathernoun male person who begets children
ancestor,begetter,dad,daddy,forebearer,origin,pa,padre,papa,parent,pop,predecessor,procreator,progenitor,sire,source What he did say was that we, and apes, and chimpanzees for that matter, had a common ancestor, once, a long, long time ago.
他说的是我们和猿,以及黑猩猩,曾经,很久很久以前,在这方面有着一个共同的祖先。 yeeyan

Yet she is not the kind of ancestor most modern evolutionary biologists would have been looking for.
然而,她并不是绝大多数现代演化生物学家所寻找的那类祖先。 yeeyan

And there is only one explanation for that at the molecular level, which is common ancestor.
而对此唯一的解释就是,在分子水平上,我们有着共同的祖先。 yeeyan

And when you have matching mistakes, there is no other explanation other than a common ancestor for the paper.
而当你们的错误相匹配时,唯一的解释就是它俩有一个共同的祖先。 yeeyan

As with topics, a specialized content element can be generalized to one of its ancestor elements.
正如主题一样,专门化内容元素可以被泛化成其祖先元素之一。 ibm

But it is not impossible that it or its ancestor species might have lived during earlier time periods in the European archipelago.
不过它或其祖先物种不可能在更早的时间在欧洲群岛生活。 yeeyan

Differing from Newton and Schopenhauer, your ancestor did not think of time as absolute and uniform.
您的祖先和牛顿、叔本华不同的地方是他认为时间没有同一性和绝对性。 putclub

Every new element now has a mapping to all its ancestor elements.
每个新元素都有到其所有祖先元素的映射。 ibm

I do not think that your illustrious ancestor toyed idly with variations.
我不信您显赫的祖先会徒劳无益地玩弄不同的写法。 putclub

In this case, the selector is the ancestor element name followed by the descendant element name.
在这种情况下,选择符是祖先元素名后面跟着后代元素名。 ibm

It suggested that all living things were related, from the beetle to the lotus, and that everything descended ultimately from a single common ancestor.
他的学说提出,所有的生命都是互相关联的,从甲壳虫到莲花;所有的生命最终都来自于同一个祖先。 yeeyan

Its ancestor organizations' policies do not apply.
其祖先组织的策略不适用。 ibm

Our common ancestor was King John.
我们共同的祖先是约翰王。 yeeyan

Our earliest animal ancestor probably had no head, tail, or sexual organs, and lay immobile on the sea floor like a door mat.
我们最早的动物祖先,可能既没有头,也没有尾,更没有性器官,连动都不能动,只能躺在海底,像一块门板。 yeeyan

Scientists now know that this common ancestor, ' the first eukaryote', was a lot more sophisticated than any known bacterium.
科学家现在知道,这个共同的祖先,“第一真核生物”比任何已知的细菌都要复杂得多。 yeeyan

She is, however, hopeful that all of the separate teams working on this puzzle can one day pinpoint what species was the common ancestor of all snakes.
然而,她希望,所有从事研究这一困惑的各个团队有一天能确定什么是所有蛇类的共同祖先。 yeeyan

Supporters of the knuckle-walking origin think we and African apes evolved from a common knuckle walking ancestor.
支持拳步起源的人认为,我们和非洲猿来自一个共同的拳步行走的祖先。 yeeyan

They have found that the placozoans are the closest living thing to the ancestor of all animals.
他们发现,扁盘动物是离一切动物始祖位置最接近的活着的生物。 yeeyan

This is because B is not in the classpath of the system class loader or its parent or ancestor class loaders.
这是因为 B不在系统类装入器或者它的双亲或祖先类装入器的类路径中。 ibm

This method tells you all you need to know: whether one node is a descendent or an ancestor of the other, whether it is before or after, and so on.
这个方法告诉您所有想知道的内容:一个节点是另一个节点的后代还是祖先、在前面还是后面等等。 ibm

Though the teeth of Homo gautengensis proved they had begun to eat plant, the ancestor of man was by no means vegetarian.
尽管“豪登人”的牙齿证明他们已经开始食用植物,人类的祖先却绝不是素食主义者。 cri

Thus, for any given element on a stylesheet that does not define the standard attribute on itself, it inherits the standard attributes from its closest ancestor element that defines them.
因此,样式表中自身没有定义标准属性的任何元素,都会继承定义这些属性的、距其最近的祖先元素的标准属性。 ibm

What is surprising is that all of these features were present in the last common ancestor of dinosaurs and crocodiles.
真正出人意料的是,在恐龙和鳄鱼最后的共同祖先身上,这些特征全部存在。 yeeyan

You can call that ancestor- worship if you wish, but it gives to the paper an astonishing momentum of thought and principle.
如果你愿意,可以称之为祖先崇拜,但是这给了这份报纸在思考和原则方面惊人的气势。 yeeyan




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