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词汇 Henry Bergson
释义 Henry Bergson
It is not correct for Henri Bergson to repel Reason completely,exaggerate the funtions of intuition and give it mysterious character in order to probe into intuition.但是,为了探讨直觉,柏格森完全排斥理性,过分夸大直觉的作用,并赋予直觉以神秘的体验性质则是不科学的。
Henry Bergsonestablished his irrational philosophy, which put the emphasis on creation, intuition, irrationality and unconsciousness.伯格森在前人基础上创立了非理性哲学,强调创造力,直觉,非理性与无意识。
As an outstanding scholar, Li Da-zhao has studied and explained the philosophy of Henri Bergson on the period of the new culture movement.李大钊是五四时期的学术大家,在早期新文化运动时期就对柏格森哲学有所研究与阐发;
The only Western philosopher who did not respond to his letter was Henri Bergson, who dreaded having strangers come pester him and kept his address confidential and his telephone number unlisted.西洋大哲学家不回他信的只有柏格森;柏格森最怕陌生人去缠他,住址严守秘密,电话簿上都没有他的名字。
On the Philosophy of Life From Henri Bergson and Ethic Means论柏格森生命哲学及其伦理意义




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