释义 |
Hengxian County 基本例句 横县 Hengxian County is an important agricultural production base in Guangxi. The output of rice, sugarcane and jasmine play major roles in its economic system.横县是广西重要的农业生产基地,其粮食、糖蔗、莉花生产在经济中占主要地位。 The test of culturing grass carp with high density of 100 fry/m 3, which weighted 198 g in 3 single cage each with 4m 3 volume was carried out in Xijin Resevoir in Hengxian County.利用3个体积均为4m3的小体积网箱设置在横县西津水库莲塘库区作为试验养殖场所,每立方米投放体重为198g的草鱼种100尾进行养殖试验。 |