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Heng. 基本例句 🌏行横衡恒蘅珩桁;一;兴 The meeting was held near Mt. Heng in Hunan Province, one of Daoism’s five holy mountains, and was attended by500 participants. 论坛就在属道教五岳圣地之一的湖南衡山附近举行,来自海内外的与会者达500人。 yeeyan The police caught Mr. Heng late Saturday after a nationwide manhunt, the official Xinhua news agency reported. 据官方新闻机构新华社报道,在进行全国范围内搜捕后,衡庭汉于周六晚被警方抓获。 ecocn Wu Heng and his33 volunteers collected more than2,100 articles and made 2,800 entries on the website they established. 吴恒和33名志愿者收集了超过2100篇文章,并在他们的网站上发布了2800条项目。 hxen “ Is it hurting, Heng?” the doctor asked. “痛吗,恒?”医生问道。 ebigear “ We were surprised, and had to laugh, as it looks just like our store, but I hope it is shut down soon,” salesman Ge Heng says. “我们既吃惊又觉得好笑,因为跟我们的店铺真的太像了,但我还是希望它早关门大吉吧。”店员葛恒音说。 yeeyan A boy named Heng Jing swore to help his neighbors and fellow people to get rid of it. 一个名叫恒景的男孩发誓要帮助邻居和伙伴除掉它。 bbs.24en.com Again the doctor asked him if the needle hurt, and again Heng shook his head. 于是医生再一次问他针头是否扎痛了他。 然而,恒却再一次摇了摇头。 edu.sina.com.cn At first Wu Heng was doing the job on his own, but later he discovered that is a mission impossible. 一开始吴恒自己做这项工作,但是后来他发现那是个不可能的任务。 hxen Chi Heng’s mission is especially sensitive because the unpunished negligence of the plasma economy is a chapter that many would like to forget. 智行的使命特别地敏感,因为“血浆经济”反映出来的未受惩罚的玩忽职守是许多人非常想永远翻过去的一幕。 yeeyan Chi Heng also began to draw international notice. 智行基金会也开始引起国际上的注意。 yeeyan Riding a crane, Heng Jing went a great distance back home in a day. 恒景骑者一只鹤,在一天内走了很长的路回家。 bbs.24en.com Through this ordeal Heng lay stiff and silent. 在这个严酷的考验中,恒一直僵硬地躺着,默不作声。 ebigear When he learned about the orphaned children during a trip through the countryside, he reoriented and expanded Chi Heng in2002 to focus on helping them. 当他在一次农村地区考察并了解到艾滋孤儿的情况时,他在2002年重新定位,将智行基金会扩大规模并把工作的重点放到帮助这些孩子身上。 yeeyan Wu Heng and his co-workers have set up a Darwin Prize for the worst food scandal selected by readers from a list of stories posted on the website. 吴恒和他的同事已经为读者从发布在网站上的一系列报道中选出的最糟糕的食品丑闻设立达尔文奖。 hxen Wu Heng is still quite optimistic about the future of food safety environment in China. 吴恒对中国未来的食品安全环境依然非常乐观。 hxen Wu Heng says he wants to get the government's attention, and inform ordinary people about food safety problems in China. 吴恒说他想引起政府的重视,并让普通民众了解中国的食品安全问题。 hxen Wu Heng said all of us will be eventually killed by these harmful foods unless everyone steps forward and speaks out. 吴恒称,除非每个人站出来大胆地说,不然最后每个人都会死于这些有毒食品。 hxen Heng in Hunan Province one of Daoism's five holy mountains and was attended by 500 participants. 论坛在道教五岳之一的湖南衡山附近举行,近500人与会。 yeeyan Heng Jing fought with his master's sword and killed the devil in a few rounds. 恒景用师傅的剑与瘟魔搏斗,并在几个回合内杀死了它。 bbs.24en.com Heng was quickly laid on a pallet, his arm swab bed with alcohol, and a needle inserted in his vein. 恒被很快地放到一张简陋的小床上,护士用酒精擦洗了他的胳膊之后,便将一根针头插进了他的静脉。 ebigear |