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词汇 Hemudu
释义 Hemudu
In 1978, red lacquer bowls and tubes of theHemuduCulture were found in Yuyao, Zhejiang Province.根据是1978年在浙江余姚河姆渡文化遗址中发现了朱漆木碗和朱漆筒,
DEMYBEARING CO.,LTD is located inHemuduCulture Ruins of Ningbo China which has 7000-year-old history.余姚市德迈机电有限公司位于人类文明发祥地河姆渡遗址--中国浙江余姚,位置优越,信息发达。
B: Yes, there're lots of things to see. You can go to Tianyi Pavilion Library, Dongqian Lake,HemuduCultural Relics, for example.是的,有很多要看的地方。比如说,你可以去天一阁、东钱湖、河姆渡遗址去看一看。
Historical relics on Neolith Era andHemuduSites is the origination of Chinese civilization. Bronze Wares on Xia, shang, Zhou Dynasty incarnate the most ancient dynasty.新石器时代文物,河姆渡文化遗址是中华五千年文明的起源,夏商周时期的青铜器,是最早王朝的浓缩。
Then, we temporarily collect it under the regional historic background of Yuyao to apperceive the significance ofHemuduculture discovery.那么,我们暂且把它收束到余姚的地域历史背景下足以感知河姆渡文化发现的意义。
In 1993,HemuduSite Museum got open grandly, entering a new historical stage forHemuduculture in terms of the research, propaganda and protection.1993年,河姆渡遗址博物馆隆重开馆,河姆渡文化的研究、宣传和保护进入新的历史阶段。




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