

单词 helling
释义 Hell·ing 英hel美hel COCA¹⁰¹⁵⁰⁶

place believed in some religions to be the home of devils and of wicked people after death


state or place of great suffering or wickedness; very unpleasant experience

any place of pain and turmoil;

the hell of battle

the inferno of the engine room

when you're alone Christmas is the pits

a cause of difficulty and suffering;

war is hell

go to blazes

Christianity the abode of Satan and the forces of evil; where sinners suffer eternal punishment;

Hurl'd headlong…To bottomless perdition, there to dwell

a demon from the depths of the pit

Hell is paved with good intentions

religion the world of the dead;

No one goes to Hades with all his immense wealth

violent and excited activity;

they began to fight like sin

noisy and unrestrained mischief;

raising blazes

用作名词 n.
动词+~catch〔get〕 hell挨骂give sb hell使某人很不好受,让某人吃苦头go to hell下地狱,见鬼去吧go through hell经受苦难make sb's life hell使某人的日子难过move hell〈口〉想尽办法play hell with把…弄得一塌糊涂raise hell大吵大闹ride hell for feather拼命地骑suffer hell on earth遭受人间之苦形容词+~bloody hell该死的sheer hell糟透的境况unspeakable hell无法形容的苦难介词+~for the hell of没有什么理由,玩玩而已in hell到底,究竟like hell拼命地run like hell拼命地跑~+介词a hell of极度的,难以容忍的,糟糕的,极好的a hell of an actor一个糟透的〔极好的〕演员a hell on earth人间地狱
用作名词n.for the hell of it

仅为取乐just for fun

give sb hell

申斥〔惩罚,骚扰〕某人scold, punish or harass sb

like hell

绝不not at all

to hell with

某人〔某事〕该死used to damn sb/sth

近义词 despairbottomlesshome of lost souls反义词 heavenparadisehappiness
用作名词n.The preacher warned us about punishment in Hell.传教士告诫我们在地狱里要受到惩罚。
She made his life a hell on earth.她使他的生活像地狱般痛苦。
She is hell on servants.她对仆人凶神恶煞似的。
Go to hell.滚蛋!
Expert,hell!—He is no more an expert than I am.专家,活见鬼!——他也不比我强到哪去。
Oh,hell!I've missed the last train.噢,真糟糕!我没赶上末班火车。
That's a hell of a good car.那是辆非常好的车。
It's a hell of a long way.路远极了。
What the hell are you doing?你究竟在做什么?
Who the hell says so?这是谁说的呀?
How the hell are we going to find the money?我们到底怎样才能找到这笔钱呢?
I'm just saying you ought to stay the hell out of their way.我只是说,你别去妨碍他们的事才对。


a hell of是强烈表达法,可以指“极好”,也可指“极坏”。

the hell可表示“到底,究竟”,主要用在what,where,when,who,how之后,相当于on earth,表示一种强烈的语气。

用作名词What the hell do you think you are doing?你认为你究竟在干什么?
What have you done in hell? You look like deathy!你究竟干了些什么?看上去像害了大病似的。
What the hell has it got to do with you where I work?我在那里工作与你究竟有什么相干?用作感叹词Hell! What a mass! Are they masochism?该死!这么多!他们是受虐狂么?
Oh hell! The car broke down again.噢,该死!车子又拋锚了。 What these parasites cared about was nothing but drinking and helling around.
这些寄生虫所关心的无非就是花天酒地。 hotdic

“The sofa was part of our first Bernhardt collection, ” Mr. Washington said, adding that the prototype was a gift from Bernhardt’s creative director, Jerry Helling.
“沙发是我们贝恩哈特最初集合的一部分,”华盛顿先生说,原型是给贝恩哈特的创意总监杰里的礼物。 yeeyan

He was helling around when in Europe.

What he cared about was helling around.




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