

单词 Hellas
释义 Hel·las 英ˈheləs美ˈhɛləsAHDhĕlʹəs COCA⁷³¹¹⁷BNC⁹¹⁵¹⁷⁺
With a diameter of about1,400 miles and a depth reaching the lowest elevations on Mars, Hellas is one of the largest impact craters in the solar system.
此图直径大约1400英里并显示了火星上海拨最低的地区。希腊平原是太阳系中最大的撞击陨石坑之一。 yeeyan

“ In the great morning of the world,” Shelley wrote in “ Hellas,” his poem about the country’s struggle for independence, “ Freedom’s splendor burst and shone!”
英国诗人雪莱就写过关于希腊争取独立的事迹,还用希腊语写到:“在世界的曙光折射下,自由的光辉激起、闪耀。” yeeyan

If an ambitious city state managed to master all of Hellas then a new and dangerous power would threaten to unbalance the tense equilibrium of the four empires.
如果一个野心勃勃的城邦成功的统一了所有的希腊势力,这个新出现的危险力量,会威胁到四个帝国之间平衡。 clanlong

Now, with the last village destroyed, all the tribes of Hellas lie humbled before us!
现在,随着最后的村庄被摧毁,在希腊没有部落敢在我们面前说谎。 eetpy

The fourth chapter discusses the relationship of the collision and fusion of the cultural tradition of Hellas and Greece in the humanistic literature of the Renaissance.
第四章论述文艺复兴人文主义文学中“两希”文化传统的冲撞与融合的关系。 cnki

This computer graphic shows three craters in the eastern Hellas region of Mars, containing concealed glaciers that were detected by radar.
这幅电脑合成图展示出火星东部 Hellas区的三个弹坑,以及雷达探测到的隐蔽的冰河。 yeeyan

This observation from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter shows the floor of a large impact crater in the southern highlands, north of the giant Hellas impact basin.
这幅来自 NASA火星轨道观察器的图像显示了位于火星南方高地巨大的 Hellas撞击盆地北侧地表上的一个大撞击坑。 yeeyan

Hellas Verona, the team I support and with which I started my professional career, was promoted to Serie B second Italian league, after4 years in third league.
我职业生涯开始的球队,我一直以来支持的维罗纳,在意丙联赛4年之后升到了意乙。 www.adb98.com




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