

单词 anas
释义 anas 英'ænə美'ænə COCA¹²⁴⁵⁵⁷BNC⁶⁸⁵⁵⁰
n.言论集¹⁹;语录²⁵;轶事¹⁹pref.向上;向后;再¹⁹abbr.美国报业协会=American Newspaper Association 原型ana的复数名词复数ana
mother of the ancient Irish gods; sometimes identified with Danua collection of anecdotes about a person or placeana言论集ana-表示向上 ana-…Santa Ana圣安娜焚风
as in.canon
同义词 oeuvreanalects,anthology,chrestomathy,classics,library,miscellanea,workscollected works,delectus
canonnoun a body of the most important, influential or superior works in music, literature, or art
ana,analects,anthology,chrestomathy,classics,collected works,delectus,library,miscellanea,oeuvre,works In addition, an optimum divergent- convergent angle was obtained as a result of computation and anas is of the said channel intensified heat exchange performance on the basis of the experimental data.
同时在实验数据基础上还对扩缩通道的强化换热性能进行了计算分析,得出了最优扩缩角度。 cnki

After theory anas is and experiment, it proved that the vehicle monitoring system is reliable, this theory is credible, and position precision can be satisfied.
经过理论分析和实验求证,证明该车辆监控系统是可靠的,理论是可信的,而且定位精度也能满足要求。 cnki

All rooms at the Anas guest house have a TV and a private bathroom.
每个房间都设有自己的临街入口,让客人在住宿期间享受完全自主的生活。 booking114.com

If he ever gets the chance to meet Obama, Anas said he would ask the US president to take a firm stance in dealing with the conflict between Israel and Palestine.
阿纳斯称,如果有机会见到奥巴马,他会恳请他在处理巴以冲突时采取更坚定的立场。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Indonesian photographer Ilham Anas won't be at US President- elect Barack Obama's inauguration on Tuesday. Instead he'll be starring as an Obama look-alike on Indonesian TV.
印度尼西亚摄影师伊尔哈姆·阿纳斯不会出现在本周二奥巴马的总统就职典礼上,但他会作为奥巴马替身亮相印尼电视台。 hjenglish

Labour has chosen his son Anas, a dentist, to take his place.
工党选择了他的牙医儿子艾纳斯来接替他的位置。 ecocn

Legend has it, when the Santa Anas blow, anything can happen.
传说一吹起圣塔安纳季风,什么事都有可能发生。 blog.sina.com.cn

Male mallard ducks Anas platyrhynchos are famous for their long, spiraling genitalia.
雄性绿头野鸭以长长的螺旋状生殖器而著称。 tianya

Principal component analysis was carried out to study the slaughtering performance of cross combinations using Anas platyrhynchos as male parent.
利用主成分分析对以绿头野鸭为父本的不同杂交组合的屠宰性能进行了研究。 dictall

Santa Anas blow, all bets are off. Anything can happen.
是的,一切都有可能发生。 blog.sina.com.cn

Anas, who was born and raised in Bandung, West Java, said he feels lucky to resemble Obama.
在西爪哇岛的万隆出生并长大的阿纳斯称,他为自己长相酷似奥巴马而感到幸运。 hjenglish




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