

单词 heights
释义 heights 英haɪts美haɪts COCA⁵⁹⁷¹BNC⁶⁴⁸²Economist⁷⁷⁰⁸
a high place;

they stood on high and observed the countryside

he doesn't like heights

近义词 high高的
用作名词Chamferheightsfor broken edges.是什么倒角高度啊。
The two constituents project to differentheights.这两种组元的喷射高度不同。as in.heaven
同义词 Promised Land,immortality,nirvana,paradiseArcadia,Canaan,Elysium,Shangri-la,Zion,afterworld,atmosphere,azure,bliss,dreamland,ecstasy,empyrean,enchantment,eternity,fairyland,felicity,firmament,glory,happiness,harmony,hereafter,kingdom,rapture,sky,the great beyond,the great unknown,transport,upstairs,utopia,wonderlandbeyond,eternal home,eternal rest,happy hunting ground,kingdom come,life everlasting,life to come,next world,pearly gates,the blue
反义词 hell,misery,sorrow,unhappiness
heavennoun place where God lives;wonderful feeling
Arcadia,Canaan,Elysium,Promised Land,Shangri-la,Zion,afterworld,atmosphere,azure,beyond,bliss,dreamland,ecstasy,empyrean,enchantment,eternal home,eternal rest,eternity,fairyland,felicity,firmament,glory,happiness,happy hunting ground,harmony,hereafter,immortality,kingdom,kingdom come,life everlasting,life to come,next world,nirvana,paradise,pearly gates,rapture,sky,the blue,the great beyond,the great unknown,transport,upstairs,utopia,wonderland For a tornado to form, cold air must sit above warm, moist air, and the wind needs to go in different directions at different heights, creating shear forces.
就龙卷风的形成而言,寒冷的空气必须处在暖湿的空气上部,而风应该在不同高度向不同的方向运动,以此创造出剪切力。 yeeyan

However, at the same time as economic globalism was declining during the two World Wars, military globalism rose to new heights— as did many aspects of social globalism.
然而,在二次世界大战期间经济全球主义下降的同时,军事全球主义上升到一个新的高度——社会全球主义的许多方面也是。 yeeyan

Let us each rise to the great heights, recognizing that some of the restraints that we may chafe under are actually the steadying force that helps us ascend and achieve.
让我们每个人都飞到高处吧,并且认识到这一点:有些可能会令我们生气的约束,实际上是帮助我们攀升和实现愿望的平衡力。 ebigear

Once there, they use tape measures, callipers and a hand-held laser to measure the heights and girths of all the trees within a500- square-metre plot.
一旦到了那儿,他们就用卷尺,测径规和一种手持式激光器来测量一片500平方米地块内的所有树木的高度和干围。 ecocn

The team found they were able to get accurate measurements at all heights around the turbine, but realised that installing the device on the ground was far from ideal.
该团队发现他们可以在涡轮周围的所有高度取得准确的数据,但是他们察觉了将这个装置安装在地面的并不理想。 ecocn




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