

单词 anaphylaxis
释义 an·a·phy·lax·is 英ˌænəfəˈlæksɪs美ˌænəfəˈlæksɪsAHDăn'ə-fə-lăkʹsĭs 高COCA⁶⁶²⁰⁶BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺iWeb²²⁰²⁵Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺

hypersensitivity reaction to the ingestion or injection of a substance a protein or drug resulting from prior contact with a substance前缀ana-, 向上,向后, 对立。词根phylax, 保护,见prophylactic,预防性药物。即难保护的,严重过敏的。
anaphylactic:,ænəfi'læktik adj. 【病理学】过敏的;导致过敏的reverse passive anaphylaxis逆转被动过敏反应…anaphylaxis in vitro体外过敏反应…aggregate anaphylaxis凝聚物过敏反应…generalized anaphylaxis全身性过敏反应…passive anaphylaxis被动过敏性cross anaphylaxis交叉过敏性inverse anaphylaxis反转过敏反应…indirect anaphylaxis医 间接过敏性…cytotoxic anaphylaxis细胞毒素过敏症…cutaneous anaphylaxis皮肤过敏性antiserum anaphylaxis医 抗血清过敏性…cytotropic anaphylaxis亲细胞性过敏反应…acquired anaphylaxis获得性过敏性…active anaphylaxis自动过敏性local anaphylaxis局部过敏性active cutaneous anaphylaxis自动皮肤过敏反应…systemic anaphylaxis全身过敏性penicillin anaphylaxis青霉素过敏serum anaphylaxis血清过敏性

用作名词Every year these allergies cause about thirty thousand cases ofanaphylaxis,a severe reaction that requires immediate treatment.每年这些过敏造成约三万宗过敏性反应,这是一种需要立即就医的严重反应。 A systemic anaphylaxis has also been described.
全身的过敏性也曾有报道。 jukuu

“The main risk is from caterers and restaurants, ” says Frans Timmermans of the Netherlands Anaphylaxis Network.
“主要危险来自备办食物者和餐馆。”荷兰过敏反应网的弗兰·蒂默曼说。 yeeyan

Another case was considered to be anaphylaxis with symptoms of urticaria, angioedema, laryngeal edema, and palpitations, and the third case was considered to be a hoarse voice.
另外一位过敏患者表现为荨麻疹,血管性水肿,喉头水肿和心悸,第三位女孩则是声音嘶哑。 dxy

Eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish soy and gluten all can wreak havoc on the immune system of allergic individuals, even causing a deadly reaction called anaphylaxis.
鸡蛋、花生、坚果、鱼、海鲜酱和麦麸都能给敏感体质人群的免疫系统造成极大损伤,甚至引起致命的过敏反应。 ebigear

How do you differentiate between bronchoconstriction from asthma and anaphylaxis?
如何鉴别哮喘的支气管收缩和过敏反应? iciba

In the most severe cases, they progress to anaphylaxis, a potentially fatal condition in which the allergic reaction overtakes the entire body.
在大多数严得的案例里,他们发展成过敏性反应的一个潜在的致命条件就是过敏反应超过了实体。 yeeyan

It’s extremely difficult to accurately diagnose Exercise Urticaria or the more serious Exercise-induced Anaphylaxis, because so much is going on in your body when you’re exercising.
而且因为当人运动时机体情况十分复杂,很难诊断是单纯的运动过敏症,还是更严重的包含运动的过敏症。 yeeyan

OBJECTIVE To observe the acute toxicity, potential irritation on respiratory mucous membrane and skin anaphylaxis of Yuxingcao nasal sprayer.
目的观察鱼腥草鼻用喷雾剂的急性毒性、黏膜刺激性以及皮肤过敏反应。 cnki

People with a history of anaphylaxis or hypersensitive reactions, or other life- threatening allergic reactions to any of the constituents or trace residues of the vaccine;
对疫苗的任何成分或微量残留物具有过敏反应或超敏反应或其它危及生命的变应反应史的人; who

Reaction to this may be mild as in urticaria or atopy or life- threatening as in anaphylaxis.
此反应可能较轻微如荨麻疹或特异性反应或者严重到危及生命如过敏症。 yeeyan

Scientists are crossbreeding existing peanut types that have lower levels of the proteins that cause anaphylaxis.
另有科学家正在对现知低过敏原含量的花生品种进行杂交实验。 yeeyan

Symptoms ranging from rashes, gastrointestinal problems, and life- threatening anaphylaxis.
这种过敏引发许多症状,包括疹子,胃肠功能紊乱,甚至危及生命的过敏症状。 hjenglish

The most dangerous result is anaphylaxis, a whole- body reaction which can end in a catastrophic fall in blood pressure combined with breathing difficulties, sometimes resulting in death.
最危险的结果是过敏性反应。全身反应可能导致血压灾难性下降,并发呼吸困难,有时还会导致死亡。 yeeyan

The most serious and common untoward effects produced by penicillin are allergic reactions. Numerous death have occurred from anaphylaxis after the injection of penicillin.
青霉素引起的最严重和最常见的不良反应是过敏性反应。注射青霉素后,由于过敏性反应导致死亡的事例为数很多。 iciba

The most severe form of food allergy is called anaphylaxis.
食物过敏最严重的是产生所谓的过敏反应。 yeeyan




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