

单词 Heaven forbid
释义 Heaven forbid
But heaven forbid that more coverage for the young should mean cuts in Medicare, the health scheme for the elderly.
不过千万不要这样,卫生保健覆盖更多的年轻人意味着对老年人的 Medicare健康计划的削减。 ecocn

Connoisseurs tend to flinch at the notion of drinking wine that comes in a plastic bottle or— heaven forbid—a box.
品酒行家们对喝塑料瓶装的葡萄酒的念头嗤之以鼻,对盒装的更是视如敝屣。 topsage

He wants to come here? Heaven forbid!
他想来这儿吗?千万别来。 hotdic

Or a new supervisory role for euro-zone governments, or, heaven forbid, the useless European Parliament?
或者给欧元区政府提供一个新的监督性角色。可能是无用的欧洲议会? ecocn

The code might have implemented its own threading, caching, connection pooling, or even heaven forbid security infrastructure.
该代码可能实现了自己的线程、缓存、连接池甚至但愿不会如此安全基础设施。 ibm

Heaven forbid someone in marketing or sales wants to try out a new idea. That means more approvals, justifications, and delays.
千万别让营销或销售人员去尝试新想法,那意味着审批更繁复、证明更麻烦、等得更长。 logclub




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