

单词 heats up
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Active galaxies give off bright radiation from their cores, where gas heats up as it is compressed into a swirling accretion disk encircling the black hole.
活动星系从它们的核部发出明亮的光芒,在那里,气体被加热并压缩成一个漩涡状的圆盘,漩涡的中心便是黑洞。 yeeyan

As the campaign heats up, Ms Merkel will probably shy away from the FDP's radical ideas.
当大选升温后,默克尔很可能回避自民党激进的改革措施。 topsage

As the furnace heats up, the glass placed in it will soften and cover the floor.
当窑升温时,放在里面的玻璃将软化并覆盖窑底。 dict.v.wenguo.com

Sunscreen protection controversy heats up.
防晒剂保护的争议已经升温。 biznav

The energy heats up the water, which is piped out to a steam generator.
这股能量将水加热,然后通过管子输送到蒸汽发生器中。 yeeyan

This shop in the Sichuan region sole agent NILL the brand reptile UV lamp, the heats up equipment, the pet feed and the nutrition, and the health care drugs.
本店四川省独家代理 NILL品牌爬虫 UV灯、加热器材、宠物饲料及营养、保健药品。 reptilesworld

This current rapidly heats up the fill material generating a plasma arc between the electrodes.
这个电流会迅速的激发管内的填充物,在两个电极产生等离子弧。 rainlane

This in turn means that the dollar will keep falling until US inflation heats up to the point where the Fed does indeed have to raise interest rates.
这反过来又意味着,美元将持续走低,直至美国的通胀水平升至美联储不得不升息的程度。 tianya

This heats up the atmosphere, causing sea surface temperatures to rise.
这使大气升温,导致海水表面温度上升。 yeeyan

Vacuum fresh food sweet corn both sweet and crisp. Turn on the bag then edible, if heats up a4-6 minute taste to be more delicious e.
真空鲜食甜玉米既甜又脆,打开袋子即可食用,如果加热4-6分钟味儿更美。 www.zgny.com.cn

When you put the seeds in the microwave, the water inside them heats up and turns into steam.
当你把玉米粒放入微波炉内,玉米粒的水就会受热,变成水蒸气。 taipeitimes




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