

单词 heatstroke
释义 heatstroke 英'hiːtstrəʊk美'hiːtstroʊk 八COCA⁶⁶⁶²⁶BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³iWeb³⁷³⁷⁶

collapse caused by exposure to excessive heatheat,热,stroke,击,打。比喻用法。dizziness due to heatstroke冒暑眩晕early sign of heatstroke先兆中暑premonitory heatstroke先兆中暑
heat热+strokestrike的过去分词,打击→受到了炎热天气的打击⇒中暑近义词 heat hyperpyrexia中暑过高热

用作名词What symptom canheatstrokehave?中暑会有什么症状?
You'll sufferheatstrokerunning about at noon under the sun.大中午在太防底下跑来跑去会中暑的。 Dehydration can lead to your becoming overheated, exhausted and lightheaded, experts say. You could also develop an electrolyte imbalance, muscle cramps and an increased risk of heatstroke.
专家说:脱水会使人过热、精疲力尽和头昏眼花,还可能引起人体内水分电解质的不平衡、肌肉痉挛并且会增加中暑的风险。 yeeyan

During the course of the ticket dispensing of ‘ Korean Classical and Pop Music Concert,’ a few people had heatstroke and minor injury due to the huge line of people and high temperature.
在‘韩国传统和流行音乐会’的门票分发期间,有少数人由于人数众多和高温而中暑或受了轻微伤。 yeeyan

The blistering heat now engulfing Pakistan stretches to India where more than1,000 people have reportedly died of heatstroke or heart attacks in the last two months.
目前严酷的高温已经从巴基斯坦延伸到印度,据报道,过去两个月印度已经有超过1000人死于中暑或心脏病发作。 yeeyan

Wood in the high temperature coefficient of expansion will obviously, consumer can carry on some simple wooden through the maintenance, prevent the“ heatstroke”.
木制品比如木门的膨胀系数在气温高的时候就会比较明显,消费者可通过对木门进行一些简单的保养,防止其“中暑”。 tjwktr




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