

单词 heat flow
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The above shows that granulite facies metamorphism occurred in the crust of increasing thickness and caused by strong tectonic disturbance and regional high heat flow.
是麻粒岩相变质作用发生于地壳大幅度增厚的环境,强烈的构造变动和区域性高热流共同作用的结果。 cnki

The analogue method of heat flow which was presented by the authors in this paper is a new method of building analogue number with the analogue principle of heat flow.
本文提出的热流相似法,是直接通过热流相似原理建立相似准则的新方法,借此可以总结出有关传热现象准则方程式。 dictall

The heat flow method was used to determine the insulation of winter flying jacket in comparison with traditional metabolism method.
采用热流法及传统的代谢法测定冬季飞行服的隔热值并进行对比。 cnki

Then, the mathematical expression of heat flow density on the tool- chip interface of the rake face is deduced on the basis of milling temperature experiment.
结合铣削温度试验,推导出了前刀面刀—屑接触面输入的热流密度的函数表达式。 cnki

We analyze the distribution of temperature and heat flow of the sea floor sediment in the area of East China Sea slope and West basin area of the Okinawa Trough.
利用实测的海底温度和海底热流资料对东海陆坡和冲绳海槽中轴以西的槽底地区的海底温度场和热流场进行了分析。 cnki

We calculate the redistribution by heat flow theory.
利用热流理论计算了杂质的再分布。 cnki

Any internal deformations will still change the heat flow, which can be picked up by the thermal camera.
同样,材料的任何内部损伤都会改变热传导,热力摄像头就可以检测这些改变。 yeeyan

Based on available borehole temperature logging and thermal conductivity measurement of core samples in the northeastern Sichuan Basin, we have estimated12 terrestrial heat flow values.
利用四川东北地区现有的钻井测温数据及测定的岩石样品热导率数据,计算了12口钻井的大地热流值。 cnki

In the evaluation of heat flow, the quantity of heat in each position of the torque tube has been determined using FEM finite element method.
在对热流的估算中,力矩管上每个位置的热量是通过有限元法计算获得的。 cnki

In heterogeneous anisotropic materials the heat flow vector and conductivity are more complex.
在各向异性的非均质材料中,热流向量和热导率很复杂。 kuenglish

Sediment thermal conductivity is one of the important parameters for computing submarine heat flow.
沉积物热导率是计算海底热流的一个重要参数。 dictall

The results show that ignoring change of friction heat flow intensity will bring large deviation to temperature field simulation.
结果表明:如果忽略制动过程中摩擦热流强度的变化,会给温度场模拟带来较大的偏差。 cnki

The direction of heat flow affected the phonon transmission coefficient.
还讨论了热流方向对声子传递系数的影响; cnki

The response factors and its transient heat flow are calculated using FDR method.
用 FDR方法计算了圆柱形墙体的响应系数及瞬时热流。 cnki

Thermal properties of rough rice were measured by the transient heat flow method using a probe that approximately as a line heat source at different moisture contents.
采用非稳态热流法测定不同含水率稻谷的热导率和热扩散系数,进而求出比热容。 cnki




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